A Music-related blog containing information and commentary of my favorite music, as well as some choice downloads of quality, hard-to-find music (unofficial releases, ROIO's, concert bootlegs, etc.) available on the web.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Dan Fogelberg - 1984-05-29 - New York MSG
May 29, 1984
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
The Lostbrook Tape Series - Volume 83
Audience Recording, Very Good Quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Artwork Included
OK, here's another great Dan Fogelberg show, also from the Lostbrook Tape series (as promised), this one from a few years later (1984), and with a full band. The show features a great setlist and a nice balance between the full band songs and the quiet acoustic songs.
01 Times Like These - The Language Of Love - Wishing On The Moon
02 Heart Hotels
03 The Reach
04 Hard To Say
05 Empty Cages
06 Sweet Magnolia (And The Traveling Salesman)
07 Make Love Stay
08 Leader Of The band
09 Same Old Lang Syne
10 Down The Road - Morning Sky
11 Run For The Roses
12 Go Down Easy
13 Life Is Like A Mountain Railway - Band Intros
14 Tell Me To My Face
15 Let Her Go
16 Tulsa Time
17 Part Of The Plan
18 There's A Place In The World For A Gambler
19 Roll Me Little Sister
20 Run Run Run
New link! (Updated 12/18/13)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Dan Fogelberg - 1979-04-18 - St. John's University, New York
St. John's University, New York, NY
Lostbrook Tape Series Vol. 21
Audience recording, very good quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Here's another show that has already appeared at a few other sites, but I thought it was also worth posting here. Somewhat recently (over the past year), several good quality Dan Fogelberg shows have become available, which has been great, since there were very few around. This is one, from a solo acoustic show at St. John's University in 1979. This is from the Lostbrook Tape series, which also has another very good Fogelberg show (If I get a chance, maybe I'll post that one too, or some other Fogelberg shows soon). This one is great, first, because it has very good sound, second, it is solo acoustic, and also because it is a little earlier in his career and features different songs than many of the other available shows. Anyway, enjoy this one, it makes a nice companion to the recently posted Jackson Browne acoustic shows.
01 Introduction
02 Netherlands
03 Once Upon A Time
04 Stars
05 Crow
06 Old Tennessee
07 Song From Half Mountain
08 Someone's Been Telling You Stories
09 To The Morning
10 Paris Nocturne
11 Next Time
12 Manha De Carnaval
13 Guitar Etude No.3
14 Plastered In Paris
15 I Was Never Much
16 Full Moon Mansion
17 Same Old Lang Syne
18 Morning Sky
19 Illinois
20 Part Of The Plan
21 There's A Place In The World For A Gambler
New link! (Updated 10/08/21)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Jackson Browne - Song Traveler (Live Solo Acoustic Compilation 1970-2004)
Song Traveler
8-CD Compilation of Live Solo Acoustic Performances 1970-2004
Various audience recordings, mostly good to very good quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Here's a special gift for all the Jackson Browne fans out there, an 8-CD fan compilation that puts together "all the best available solo acoustic performances" from throughout Jackson's concert career (or at least from 1970-2004). Although Jackson is also fine when playing with a band, he is at his best in these solo acoustic performances, and they show off his artistry and mastery as a songwriter and performer, giving subtle new meanings to old and new favorites and classics. The first 5 discs contain Jackson's songs roughly arranged by songwriting period (from earliest to latest), with discs 6&7 devoted to covers, and disc 8 with rare and alternate versions of classic songs. It's a very thorough and impressive collection, and an undoubtedly painstaking and time-consuming endeavor, compiling performances from literally several dozens of shows. Naturally, the sound quality does vary somewhat from show to show, but overall quality is very good. Now, this is not my compilation, but I have no idea who originally put this excellent compilation together (I got it from another site, and it came with little supporting info). From a google search, one of the torrent sites attributes it to someone called Jayhawk, so thanks to them, or whoever it was, 'cause this is some great stuff. The compilation even includes a track from the 2002 Maine solo acoustic show I was at ('Nothing But Time', which was originally written and recorded after a show in Maine for the Runnin' On Empty album. Although listed here as being in Bangor, the show was actually in Orono, on the University of Maine campus). Anyway, although a bit too much to take in all at once, this is a real treat for us fans. Enjoy.
Disc One (64:51) (1st album, For Everyman era songs)
01. A Child In These Hills - Hollywood 4-6-70
02. Jamaica Say You Will - Santa Monica 10-12-97
03. Looking Into You - Richmond 5-17-00
04. Colors Of The Sun - Philadelphia 1-23-72
05. Doctor My Eyes - Tokyo 4-22-04
06. I Thought I Was A Child - Jacksonville 4-10-00
07. Ready Or Not - Stamford 5-9-02
08. Redneck Friend - Greensboro 5-21-02
09. Under The Falling Sky - Berkeley 10-9-97
10. Something Fine - Paris 11-4-96
11. Song For Adam - Olympia 8-17-00
12. Rock Me On The Water - Olympia 8-17-00
13. Our Lady Of The Well - Paris 11-4-96
14. The Times You've Come - Paris 11-4-96
15. These Days - Baltimore 5-18-02
16. My Opening Farewell - Chicago 2-21-72
17. Together Again (Holiday Inn) - Syracuse 3-27-71
Disc Two (74:34) (Late For The Sky, The Pretender)
01. For Everyman - Hamburg 11-15-96
02. Before The Deluge - Hamburg 11-15-96
03. The Birds Of St. Marks - Providence 5-10-02
04. Fountain Of Sorrow - Richmond 5-17-02
05. The Late Show - Udine 11-28-04
06. Farther On - Paris 11-4-96
07. Shadow Dream Song - Syracuse 3-27-71
08. Here Come Those Tears Again - London 11-1-04
09. Walking Slow - Providence 5-10-02
10. The Road And The Sky- Osaka 4-27-04
11. For A Dancer - Greenville 4-9-00
12. Sing My Songs To Me - Toganga 8-20-04
13. Late For The Sky - Richmond 5-17-00
14. Linda Paloma - London 11-11-96
15. Sleep's Dark And Silent Gate - Berkeley 10-9-97
16. The Only Child - Nottingham 10-30-04
17. Take It Easy - Kansas City 11-14-03
18. Daddy's Tune - Linden 6-22-04
Disc Three (75:17) (Runnin On Empty, Hold Out, Lawyers in Love)
01. The Pretender - Cedar Rapids 7-10-00
02. You Love The Thunder - Omaha 7--6-00
03. Rosie - Cedar Rapids 7-10-00
04. Cocaine - Hilversum 12-8-76
05. Call It A Loan - Santa Monica 10-12-97
06. Of Missing Persons - Amsterdam 11-17-96
07. Love Needs A Heart - Barcelona 11-22-96
08. Nothing But Time - Bangor 5-6-02
09. Lawyers In Love - Stockholm 11-9-04
10. Tender Is The Night - Topeka 7-11-00
11. Somebody's Baby - Osaka 4-28-04
12. Soldier Of Plenty - Redwood City 2-27-02
13. For America - Udine 11-28-04
14. Your Bright Baby Blues - Santa Cruz 12-21-98
15. Running On Empty - London 11-11-96
16. The Load Out >>> Stay - Rome 11-5-96
17. Just Like Forever - Hollywood 10-16-77
Disc Four (74:48) (Lives in the Balance, World in Motion, I'm Alive)
01. I'm Alive - Madrid 3-21-99
02. In The Shape Of A Heart - Madrid 3-21-99
03. Lawless Avenues - Santa Monica 10-12-97
04. Black And White - Brooklyn 5-5-99
05. Enough Of The Night - Portland, Or 10-29-98
06. Everywhere I Go - Hamburg 11-15-96
07. Miles Away - Shreveport 6-9-00
08. Nino - Brighton 10-18-04
09. Too Many Angels - Olympia 11-17-00
10. Two Of Me, Two Of You - London 11-9-96
11. World In Motion - Chicago 10-17-00
12. Lives In The Balance - Greenville 4-9-00
13. When The Stone Begins To Turn - Tokyo 9-30-89
14. Take This Rain - Birmingham, Uk 11-14-04
15. Lights And Virtues - London 11-11-96
16. Sky Blue And Black - Richmond 5-17-00
17. All Good Things - Stamford 5-9-02
Disc Five (70:55) (Looking East, Naked Ride Home)
01. The Naked Ride Home - Rochester 5-17-02
02. The Night Inside Me - San Francisco 8-30-02
03. For Taking The Trouble - Stamford 5-9-02
04. The Barricades Of Heaven - Los Angeles 3-3-98
05. About My Imagination - Den Haag 11-24-04
06. Casino Nation - New York City 10-25-02
07. Alive In The World - Hamburg 11-15-96
08. The Rebel Jesus - Santa Cruz 12-21-98
09. Looking East - Washington 4-25-98
10. Some Bridges - Washington 4-25-98
11. World In Motion - Chicago 10-17-00
12. The Next Voice You Hear - Chicago 10-17-00
13. Never Stop - Stamford 5-9-02
14. I'm The Cat - Hamburg 11-15-96
15. Sergio Leone - Osaka 4-28-04
16. My Stunning Mystery Companion - South Bend 10-19-03
Disc Six (50:50) (Covers)
01. The Crow On The Cradle - Los Angeles 8-15-99
02. Hasten Down The Wind - Columbus 10-16-03
03. Jazzbird - Seattle 6-1-01
04. Jesus In 3/4 Time - Syracuse 3-27-71
05. Mohammed's Radio - Udine 11-28-04
06. Long Distance Love - Greenville 4-9-00
07. Lawyers, Guns And Money - South Bend 10-19-03
08. Redemption Song - Amsterdam 11-17-96
09. The Road - Udine 11-28-04
10. Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner - Stockholm 11-9-04
11. Sweet Little Sixteen - Chicago 2-21-72
12. Tiki Torches At Twilight - Stamford 5-9-02
13. Waterloo Sunset - Tokyo 9-30-90
14. I Am A Patriot - Madison 7-19-86
15. Pretty Girl Rules The World - Culver City 3-14-94
16. Danza Da Lua En Santiago - Madrid 3-19-97
17. Tracks of My Tears - ? 1995)
18. When A Man Loves A Woman - ? 1987
Disc Seven (45:27) (Covers)
01. Man Of Constant Sorrow - Los Angeles 8-15-99
02. Peaceful Easy Feeling - London 5-18-72
03. Across The Borderline - Nagoya 4-30-04
04. Poor Poor Pitiful Me - Rockford 11-7-03
05. Desperados Under The Eaves - South Bend 10-19-03
06. Tell Me Why - Topanga 9-3-04
07. El Salvador - Spilinbergo 7-24-97
08. My Personal Revenge - San Francisco 4-29-90
09. Mutineer - Melbourne 4-16-04
10. Shaky Town - Osaka 4-27-04
11. Werewolves Of London - Hamburg 11-15-96
12. Carmelita - Melbourne 4-16-04
13. Freebird - Little Rock 6-7-00
14. Volunteer - Washington, Dc 10-27-03
15. You **** You - Pittsburgh 5--14-02
Disc Eight (77:03) (Rare, Alternate Versions)
01. Don't You Want To Be There (Guitar Version) - Osaka 4-26-03
02. Rock Me On The Water (Guitar Version) - Rome 11-5-96
03. Jamaica Say You Will (Guitar Version) - Stony Brook 2-24-72
04. Doctor My Eyes (Early Version) - London 5-18-72
05. Cocaine (Rehab Version) - Ballybofey 7-31-97
06. For Taking The Trouble (Early Version) - Ojai 11-5-00
07. These Days (Piano Version) - Cedar Rapids 7-10-00
08. These Days (Early Guitar Version) - Syracuse 3-27-71
09. Never Stop (Newer Lyrics) - London 11-1-04
10. Black And White (Guitar Version) - Spilinbergo 7-24-97
11. Alive In The World (Guitar Version) - Barcelona 3-21-99
12. Linda Paloma (Piano Version) - Hilversum 12-8-76
13. Your Bright Baby Blues (Alternate Arrangement) - Udine 11-28-04
14. Late For The Sky (Alternate Arrangement) - Osaka 4-26-03
15. Doctor My Eyes-About My Imagination - Richmond 5-17-00
16. Running On Empty (Alternate Arrangement) - Santa Barbara 3-28-04
17. Don't You Want To Be There (With Trumpet) - Santa Barbara 3-28-04
New Links! Updated 02/01/24
disc1 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d1.rar
disc2 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d2.rar
disc3 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d3.rar
disc4 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d4.rar
disc5 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d5.rar
disc6 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d6.rar
disc7 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d7.rar
disc8 - Jackson_Browne_Song_Traveler_d8.rar
Friday, December 9, 2011
America - 1972-02-? - Sigma Sound, Philadelphia FM
February 1972 (specific date unknown)
Sigma Sound Studios, Rainbow Room, Philadelphia, PA
WMMR-FM Broadcast, very good sound quality
NEW - Upgraded quality: Now available in Lossless (FLAC) as well as mp3 (320 kbps) versions (04/17/15)
I've got several items of great interest that I have accumulated from other sites over the past couple months that I also want to share here, and will try to post before the end of the year. Here is the first one, a great early America show that is just the thing that all America fans have been hoping would eventually turn up. It's a complete show radio broadcast from early 1972, when America was still performing as an acoustic trio. It's the most complete show that has surfaced from these early days, and in addition to the half dozen songs from their first album, the performance features a few that would later appear on Homecoming and Hat Trick, as well as four unreleased songs (that they refer to as 'experimental') that were only played at these early shows, then were dropped. And it is a very good quality recording. As I've said before, there are very few recordings available from these great early years of America, when their acoustic guitars, stellar vocal harmonies, and folk-rock style shined the brightest, and before George Martin turned them into a slick pop radio band a few years later. So, this was just a joy to find. I picked this up from T.U.B.E (theultimatebootlegexperience), so have to give him credit for making it available (don't know who first posted the torrents), but I also just had to post it here, as this is great stuff. Enjoy!
01. Riverside
02. Sandman
03. I Need You
04. Submarine Ladies Part 2
05. Don't Cross The River
06. Winter of Our Love (Unreleased song)
07. Children
08. Three Roses - Comin' Into Los Angeles
09. Living Isn't Really Giving (Unreleased song)->;
10. The Rain Song (Unreleased song)
11. Horse With No Name
12. How Long Must This Go On (Unreleased song)
13. California Revisited
Gerry Beckley - vocals, guitars, bass
Dewey Bunnell - vocals, guitars
Dan Peek - vocals, guitars, bass, harmonica
There was a cut at ~4:50 mark of track 8, lasting about 7 seconds, due to a tape flip. However, I have fixed this by splicing in the missing section from an alternate tape source of this same show (recording from 1973 BBC broadcast) with a relatively seamless edit. So the recording is now complete, and this has been fixed in this upgraded version of the show.
New Links! Upgraded Files (08/31/21)
mp3 - America_1972_Philadelphia_FM_upgrade-mp3.rar
FLAC - America_1972_Philadelphia_FM_upgrade-FLAC.rar
Monday, December 5, 2011
BB Chronicles Christmas Chollection (2010)

A unique mix of live and rare versions of Christmas, Winter, and Holiday Season songs from various artists.
Various recordings (FM, SBD, audience) of varying quality (mostly good to excellent)
mp3 @ 128 to 320 kbps
Here, once again, is my compilation of some lesser-known holiday songs that I put together last Christmas. Last year, however, by the time I got this put together and posted, it was so late in the season that many may have missed it, so I am highlighting it once again. Also, last year, I posted it in such a rush that I didn't get a chance to say much about it. So, this year I wanted to at least jot down a few notes about this compilation for anyone interested. I put this together from various versions and tracks I have compiled over the last several years. All of the versions here are live, otherwise unreleased, or available as free downloads, thus some of the versions are not the best quality (compared to the commercial releases). But, I think it is a fun and entertaining collection. I know there are many who are not that fond of Christmas songs in general, and modern versions of the same traditional songs in particular. But I happen to love the seasonal Christmas songs, and love to hear new and different versions of old classics, as well as original new Christmas-related songs. Thus, this collection features a mixture of old and new songs, heartfelt and jovial, serious and silly, but most probably by artists and versions you may not have heard before. Some of these tracks have been included in various other well-dispersed Christmas boots (Like Santa's Boots & Upon This Night), but there are several others that are unique to this compilation. I have purposely not included some of the more famous tracks & artists, but have gone with lesser-known versions and other stuff that I really like. Another thing I liked about putting this together is that it gave me chance to feature some of my favorite female vocalists that I have not had a chance to post here before.
I start things off with a couple by the wonderful Aimee Mann (from a radio broadcast promoting her 2006 unconventional Christmas album, One More Drifter in the Snow, and as you might expect from her, it's not the most cheery Holiday album, but still very good), first a rather somber, but spirited 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman', followed by one of her own powerful originals, 'Calling Mary'. Next up is one I consider a Christmas Classic, but is not very well-known. It is the very beautiful, but melancholy 'Christmas Face' by Fisher. I first heard this over 10 years ago on the old mp3.com site, and it is just a gorgeous song. Fisher has survived their entire career solely on internet sales of their music, and they regularly offer their Christmas songs, including this one, for free download at their website. This is a seasonal favorite at my house. As good a start as those songs are, however, it was really time to lighten things up, so who better to bring some fun to the Holidays but The Barenaked Ladies, and their 'Jingle Bells' is a riot, perhaps the best version of this song ever (It starts all slow, overly serious, and pretentious, but then bursts into all out childish fun and glory, even including the perennial grade school variation verse [you know, 'Batman smells...' etc.]). Then things get even more ridiculous as Horatio Sanz and his SNL buddies take the stage with their ultra-cheesy, yet somehow cool, 'I Wish It was Christmas Today' taken from the original SNL broadcast (This may have been Horatio Sanz' finest moment on SNL). Then the 'Ladies are back with a clever and original ditty,'Elf's Lament' (from their excellent 2004 Barenaked for the Holidays album), a twisted take on a labor dispute at Santa's Workshop. Next, we return to somewhat more traditional holiday fair with Marti Jones' version of 'Rockin Around the Christmas Tree'. For those not familar with Marti, she was a wonderful female vocalist who had a string of fine albums in the '90's (Again, this is one of the best versions of this song I've heard). Then there is Bruce Cockburn with a gritty 'Early on one Christmas Morn', followed by Jackson Browne actually doing a cover of the little-known Timbuk3 satirical holiday protest song 'All I Want For Christmas is World Peace'. Next, is Steven Page (from BNL) in a fun duet with Rita MacNeil (Canadian TV hostess?) from her TV show. Next is another internet oldie, a song I discovered from the old mp3.com site over 10 years ago, a vocalist that went by the name C. Basinet doing 'Santa Baby' (I don't know anything about her, or what happened to her after this, but again, this is one of the best versions I have heard of this song). Then we have slightly different versions of some traditional songs done by Dave Alvin and Brian Setzer's Swing Orchestra, and a Greg Lake solo version of ELP's 'I Believe in Father Christmas', followed by a hilarious rebuttal by The Kinks, who have quite a different take on 'Father Christmas' (Unfortunately, the quality of this live version is sub-par, but it was the only decent unofficial recording of this classic I could find. If you have the original studio version, by all means substitute it in place here). Next is a short Christmas ditty from Yo La Tengo, a moving rendition of 'Please Come Home for Christmas' by Fiona Apple, and Rick Danko's 'Christmas Must Be Tonight'. Another underrated vocalist, Shawn Colvin, contributes a touching 'Merry Little Christmas', followed by a beautiful, stirring version of Joni Mitchell's classic 'River'. The Christmas portion of the collection comes to a rousing finish with Darlene Love's yearly revisit of 'Christmas (Please Come Home)' for the David Letterman Show (this was the 2006 version) of what has become a twenty-something-year TV holiday tradition. Then we move on to New Year's as Dave Edmunds rings it in with Chuck Berry's 'Run Rudolph Run' from an MTV NYE Bash (I think Edmunds studio version of this song is THE definitive version, even better than Chuck's own). Then Graham Parker gets serious and enlightens us about the 'New Year's Revolution', a great and compelling song. And finally, we close the whole thing out with a suitably austere and touching 'Auld Lang Syne' by Fisher. Anyway, so there it is, hope you like it. Let me know what you think of this compilation relative to other offbeat Christmas collections out there.
Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season.
01. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Aimee Mann (2006-12-11 - KCRW Santa Monica)
02. Calling Mary - Aimee Mann (2006-12-11 - KCRW Santa Monica)
03. Christmas Face - Fisher (free download - www.fishertheband.com)
04. Jingle Bells - Barenaked Ladies (2004-12-14 - WTMX Chicago)
05. I Wish It Was Christmas Today - SNL (H.Sanz, J.Fallon, C.Kattan, T.Morgan - TV)
06. Elf's Lament - Barenaked Ladies (2004-12-14 - WTMX Chicago)
07. Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Marti Jones (1995-12 - Birchmere FM)
08. Early On One Christmas Morn - Bruce Cockburn (1992-12-20 - NY FM)
09. All I Want For Christmas Is World Peace - Jackson Browne (1993-12-12 - NY FM)
10. Baby It's Cold Outside - Steven Page & Rita MacNeil (1993 Canada TV)
11. Santa Baby - C. Basinet (2000? - from old mp3.com site)
12. I'll Be Home For Christmas - Dave Alvin (1992-12-25 - Hollywood FM)
13. Sleigh Ride - Brian Setzer Orchestra - 2009-12-12 - Thackerville)
14. I Believe in Father Christmas - Greg Lake (1994-12 NY TV)
15. Father Christmas - The Kinks (1977-12-13 - Pawtucket)
16. It's Christmas Time - Yo La Tengo
17. Please Come Home For Christmas - Fiona Apple (live)
18. Christmas Must Be Tonight - Rick Danko (1997-12-08 - Wash. DC)
19. Merry Little Christmas - Shawn Colvin (1998-12-24 KGSR Austin FM)
20. River - Shawn Colvin (1998-12-24 KGSR Austin FM)
21. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Darlene Love (2006-12-22 - Letterman Show TV)
22. Run Rudolph Run - Dave Edmunds (1986-12-31 - MTV RocknRoll Ball)
23. New Year's Revolution - Graham Parker (1994-12-18 FM)
24. Auld Lang Syne - Fisher - (free download - www.fishertheband.com)
New Link! Updated 12/05/23
Some other Christmas-themed offerings still available here on the blog are:
A couple of Bruce Springsteen Live Holiday Collections available Here
Chicago's Live Christmas Show from 1998 available Here
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Gene Clark (solo acoustic) 1989-05-12 Westboro, MA
May 12, 1989
Old Vienna Kaffeehaus, Westboro, MA
Solo Acoustic Performance
Audience recording (David M), good quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Gene continued doing some solo shows through Spring 1989, and then he did a series of duo shows once again with Carla Olson. There was even plans for the 2 of them to do another album together in 1989-90, but other than a couple of new songs, it never developed further. At this time, he was also caught in the middle of the ongoing struggle over the 'The Byrds' naming rights. Michael Clarke was on one side, as he tried to use the Byrds name for his band, and McGuinn, Hillman, and Crosby, were on the other side, opposing Clarke, and trying to keep the name for their own endeavors. Gene didn't take sides and tried to stay out of it, but ended up more or less alienating both groups. He also continued to have ongoing health problems, mainly due to his history of drinking and drug use. The battling Byrds were able to make peace enough to all join together for their induction into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in early 1991, where all 5 performed together as The Byrds one last time. But little did they know at the time that this was to be one Gene's last live performances, because on May 24, 1991, Gene was found dead of a heart attack at age 46. But his music lives on. This recording is from another performance at the Old Vienna Kaffeehaus in Westboro, just about 7 months after his previous appearance there (and the previous post). But although not much time had passed since that previous performance, he sounds much older and more tired here, with less clarity and richness in his voice. Nonetheless, it is still a fine performance, well worth hearing, and representative of these final years. But it is a bit sad to hear this and know that he would not be around much longer. So, just try to celebrate his great music. This is another fine David M recording, that was only recently made available to others, thanks to David M and the efforts of Rocking-Byrd.
1. Spanish Guitar (6:15)
2. She Darked The Sun (2:58)
3. Silver Raven (4:49)
4. She Don't Care About Time (4:57)
5. Mr Tambourine Man (8:18)
6. Del Gato (2:45)
7. My Back Pages (3:09)
8. Train Leaves Here This Morning (4:19)
9. Rain Song (4:06)
10. On The Run With A Loaded Gun (4:14)
11. My Marie (6:59)
12. I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better (2:40)
13. I Shall Be Released (4:40)
14. Eight Miles High (3:08)
15. Satisfied Mind (5:38)
16. Full Circle (2:26)
17. Kansas City Southern (3:07)
Artwork Included
Thanks to David M. for the original files. Re-levelled, re-balanced, de-clicked, etc. and originally made available by Rocking--Byrd (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com)
New Link1 (Updated 10/08/21)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Gene Clark (solo acoustic) 1988-10-16 Westboro, MA
October 16, 1988
Old Vienna Kaffeehaus, Westboro, MA
Audience recording, very good sound quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
To wrap up November and this very brief look at later Gene Clark shows, I have a couple of solo acoustic shows from '88-'89 that represent some of his last tours before his unfortunate death in 1991. First, then, is this 1988 show at the Old Vienna Kaffeehaus in Westboro, MA. This is a very good quality recording of his solo show, a relaxed evening of Gene playing many of his best songs amid stories and anecdotes. He is in very good and strong voice here, making it one of the best shows from this era. By this time, Gene was suffering from several health problems. Earlier in '88, he had extensive surgery for severe ulcers, removing a major part of his stomach and intestines. Although he seems fine here, health problems would plague him over the next few years. So, enjoy this fine evening with Gene, as unfortunately, his time was starting to run short.
1. Silver Raven (6:03)
2. Full Circle (3:12)
3. My Back Pages (3:42)
4. Fair And Tender Ladies (5:35)
5. Shades Of Blue (5:07)
6. Mr Tambourine Man (6:22)
7. Train Leaves Here This Morning (4:19)
8. Last Thing On My Mind (8:17)
9. Eight Miles High (3:38)
10. Turn Turn Turn (4:03)
11. Rain Song (4:05)
12. Four Walls (3:08)
13. Tried So Hard (3:59)
14. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (4:53)
15. You Ain't Goin' Nowhere (3:52)
16. Kansas City Southern (3:49)
17. Gypsy Rider (4:21)
Acquired from and previously posted by Rocking-Byrd (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com)
New Link! (Updated 10/8/21)
Next up: a show from this same venue in 1989.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Gene Clark & Carla Olson - 1987-03-06 - Santa Monica, CA
March 6, 1987
My Place, Santa Monica, CA
Audience recording, very good quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Artwork Included
In fall 1986, in between tours with the various versions of his Byrds Tribute Band, Gene went into the studio to record some tracks with Carla Olson, vocalist for the Textones, and friends of Gene. These were all acoustic songs sung as a duo, and lead to the release of an album (So Rebellious A Lover) in 1987. The album consisted of 3 new Clark songs, 3 Olson songs, and some well-chosen covers. The album was generally well-received, but was much more laid-back then most of his recent bands were. Gene and Carla, along with a backing band of bass, drums, and piano toured to support the album in 1987, and this is a high quality recordingof their show in Santa Monica. Good stuff, and a nice change of pace from the Firebyrds and Byrds Tribute Band. I'm not sure of the origin of this recording, but it sounds very good, and was previously posted by rocking-byrd. So, here's yet another aspect to the wonderful songs of Gene Clark.
1. Deportee (3:39)
2. Del Gato (6:00)
3. Are We Still Making Love (4:03)
4. Set You Free This Time (5:29)
5. Why Did You Leave Me Today (4:12)
6. The Drifter (5:07)
7. Every Angel In Heaven (3:43)
8. Hot Burrito #1 (4:51)
9. Almost Saturday Night (3:13)
10. Don't It Make You Wanna Go Home (3:44)
Gene Clark (vocals, harmonica, guitar)
Carla Olson (vocals, guitar)
Tom Stevens (bass)
Michael Huey (drums)
Skip Edwards (piano)
Previously posted and made available by Rocking-byrd (at rocking--byrd.blogspot.com)
New link! (Updated 10/8/21)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Gene Clark & The Byrds Tribute - 1985-02-17 - Boston
20th Anniversary Tribute To The Byrds
The Channel, Boston, MA
Audience recording, average quality
mp3@320 kbps
I've received a few requests for more Gene Clark. While I don't have anymore previously uncirculated stuff by Gene, I can post a few things that perhaps have not been very widely circulated. Here is a Boston show from Gene's controversial 1985 Byrds Tribute shows. In late 1984, after touring with his Firebyrds band, which included original Byrd Michael Clake, Gene was interested in trying to get the Byrds back together for a 20th Anniversary tour in 1985. Apparently, he contacted the other original mambers, but they were not interested, so he put together his own 'tribute' band, which in addition to Michael Clarke consisted of former Byrd John York, and an assortment of other famous 'B' band alums (The Band, Burrito Brothers, Beach Boys, etc.), including Rick Roberts, Rick Danko, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, and Blondie Chaplin. Once this group started touring as a '20th Anniversary Tribute to the Byrds', the remaining Byrds members were not at all happy about it, and accused Gene of misrepresenting the group as "The Byrds", and criticized him for not being able to make it on his own. The music and shows, however, were quite good, and there are a number of decent recordings of these shows. This Boston show, although only an OK recording, represents the full 'Byrds' portion of the show, and is a very good representation of the band and these shows (an earlier set was apparently performed by a make-shift version of the Flying Burrito Brothers, featuring most of the same performers from the Byrds tribute, but without Gene Clark or Rick Danko, performing burrito Brothers songs - this part of the show was not recorded). This is another fine David M recording, one that was previously posted by Rocking-byrd, so much thanks to them for making this available.
Tribute Band: Gene Clark, Michael Clarke, John York, Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Rick Roberts, Jim Goodall, Greg Harris, Blondie Chaplin, Rick Danko
1. I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better (2:42)
2. Set You Free This Time (4:45)
3. Chimes Of Freedom (5:02)
4. Full Circle (5:10)
5. Sail On Sailor (3:41)
6. Mr Tambourine Man (5:50)
7. My Back Pages (3:23)
8. Band Introdution (1:01)
9. You Ain't Going Nowhere (3:59)
10. Eight Miles High (5:00)
11. Turn Turn Turn (4:20)
Artwork Included
Previously Posted by Rocking--Byrd (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com)
New Link! (Updated 10/8/21)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Roger McGuinn & Gene Clark - 1978-03-15 - Willamantic, CT
March 15, 1978
Shaboo Inn, Willamantic, CT
Audience Recording, average quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Artwork Included
Here's another rarely heard show from Roger McGuinn, this time with his old Byrds mate, Gene Clark. After touring with his band and solo throughout 1973 & 1974, Roger joined up with Bob Dylan and friends for the Rolling Thunder Revue in 1975&1976 (many bootleg recordings exist for these great Rolling Thunder shows). Then in late 1977 and early 1978 Roger got back together with Gene Clark for a series of concert dates as a duo. Shortly after, in late Spring 1978, they were joined by another of their ex-Byrds mates, Chris Hillman for further touring. This combination proved successful, known as McGuinn, Clark, & Hillman, and they recorded 2 studio albums together (1979-1980), before Clark left again, leaving McGuinn and Hillman to continue on for a time as a touring duo and a subsequent album (1981). Although the McGuinn, Clark, and Hillman combination was successful, many Byrds fans disdained the overly slick production and commercial sound of their studio albums and media appearances, and preferred the more laidback and natural stylings of the McGuinn-Clark shows. So, here is an example of those McGuinn-Clark shows, before the studio glitz of the MCH albums. Again, this is a rarely heard David M. recording, not all that great quality, but certainly plenty listenable and entertaining, and an opportunity to hear these 2 Byrds greats performing together as a duo.
1. The True One (Gene) (3:19)
2. Denver Or Whenever (Gene) (3:22)
3. Silver Raven (Gene) (3:28)
4. Ballad Of Easy Rider (Roger) (2:09)
5. 5D (Roger) (2:20)
6. Dreamland (Roger) (2:43)
7. Mr Spaceman (Gene & Roger) (3:43)
8. He Was A Friend Of Mine (3:08)
9. Feelin' Higher (4:15)
10. Don't You Write Her Off (3:11)
11. I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better (3:11)
12. Chestnut Mare (6:07)
13. Crazy Ladies (3:44)
14. Train Leaves Here This Morning (4:12)
15. Mr Tambourine Man (5:14)
16. Bagful Of Money (3:53)
17. Release Me Girl (4:00)
18. You Ain't Going Nowhere (4:46)
19. Fair And Tender Ladies (3:06)
20. Turn Turn Turn (3:20)
21. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (4:45)
22. So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star (2:33)
23. Eight Miles HIgh (4:29)
24. Season Song (Bye Bye Baby) (3:55)
Many thanks to David for the files, and to Rocking-Byrd for originally making this available through his private blog (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com).
New Link! (Updated 09/18/21)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Roger McGuinn (w/band) 1973-09-23 - Boston, MA
September 23, 1973
Orpheum Theater, Boston, MA
"The Adventures of Roger McGuinn"
Audience recording, fair-average quality
mp3@320 kbps
Artwork Included
Here's some more Roger McGuinn, this one was recorded during Roger's first tour with a band after the Byrds disbanded (1973). This comes from just about 6 months before the 1974 solo Cambridge shows featured in the previous posts. So, it's very interesting to compare these full band versions with the solo versions from those shows. Although this show is much shorter, and the audio quality is not very good, I thought it was still worth posting as an example of Roger's band at that time. Thus, although not the best audio, there are very few recordings from this tour, and prior to Rocking-byrd making this David M. recording available through his blog earlier this year, this had never been circulated, so this has some historical significance. Anyway, here is some more Roger from the early '70's, from a somewhat rare show.
1. Get To You (3:41)
2. Hanoi Hannah (3:29)
3. Tiffany Queen (3:00)
4. Bag Full Of Money (3:50)
5. Lost My Drivin' Wheel (4:04)
6. Tuning (1:32)
7. I'm So Restless (2:49)
8. Draggin' (3:34)
9. M'linda (3:30)
10. Same Old Sound (2:27)
11. Chesnut Mare (5:25)
Roger McGuinn (guitar,vocals)
David Vaught (bass)
Mike Wofford (keyboards)
John Guerin (drums)
Concert recorded and files provided by David M. Many thanks to him.
Files re-joined, de-clicked, re-balanced, re-levelled by Rocking-Byrd, and previously made available through his private blog (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com).
New Link! (Updated 10/08/21)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Roger McGuinn - 1974-03-14 - Cambridge, MA
March 14, 1974 (both sets)
Performance Center, Cambridge, MA
Audience (David M.) recording, good quality
mp3 @ 128 kbps
Artwork (by Rocking-Byrd) Included
Ok, here's the last in this series of Roger's shows at the Performance Center in Cambridge, MA, This one from March 14, 1974, and the last night of his stay. Overall, similar setlists as the previous 2 nights featured, but, as usual, each performance is somewhat unique, and Roger still manages to come up with a couple additional songs not featured on either previous night's shows. Once again, these come from David M's recordings, and as adjusted and prepared by Rocking-Byrd. However, Rocking-Byrd uploaded this show at a much lower bitrate (128 - not sure why), so that is what I have, too. So, once again, here's Roger McGuinn, to complete this set of shows.
Set 1
1. I'm So Restless (4:19)
2. Ramblin' Banjo (1:04)
3. Old Blue 1 (3:43)
4. Old Blue 2 (3:45)
5. Take A Whiff (On Me) (2:28)
6. The Lady (4:48)
7. I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better (2:46)
8. 5D (2:52)
9. Mr Spaceman (2:25)
10. So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star (2:34)
11. Chimes Of Freedom (5:30)
12. Chestnut Mare (4:55)
Set 2
1. Knockin' On Heaven's Door (5:08)
2. Bag Full Of Money (3:47)
3. Ballad Of Easy Rider - Wasn't Born To Follow (2:59)
4. Take A Whiff (On Me) (2:27)
5. Pretty Polly (3:25)
6. Mr Tambourine Man (2:57)
7. Lover Of The Bayou (3:00)
8. Eight Miles High (3:08)
9. Turn Turn Turn (2:54)
10. Old Blue (3:28)
11. Chimes Of Freedom (1:22)
12. The Water Is Wide (1:02)
13. Just A Season (1:25)
14. Hanoi Hannah (3:10)
15. Chestnut Mare (6:14)
Concert recorded and files provided by David M. – Many thanks again to him.
Files declicked, re-joined, re-balanced, re-levelled by Rocking-Byrd, and originally offered for download at rocking--byrd.blogspot.com
New Link! (updated 07/04/21)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Roger McGuinn - 1974-03-12 - Cambridge, MA
March 12, 1974 (both sets)
Performance Center, Cambridge, MA
Audience (David M.) recording, good quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Artwork Included
As promised in the previous post, here is Roger McGuinn's second night show (both sets) at the Performance Center in Cambridge, MA from March 12, 1974. This concert was, once again, recorded and made available by David M. This audio version was prepared (de-clicked, re-balanced, and volume levels adjusted) by Rocking-Byrd and was originally made available through his private blog (rocking--byrd.blogspot.com). However, since that blog was only accessible to invited guests, I wanted to also offer the show here, so it could be made more available to others (as per David M's wishes). For those that have already downloaded the previous night's show, and may be wondering if it is worth downloading this show, which has a somewhat similar setlist, let me just say that, first, I think the sound quality is a little better here (a bit clearer, cleaner sound), and second, although the overall setlists are similar between the 2 shows, Roger manages to include 10 additional new songs not played the previous night (so between the 2 nights, there are a total of 43 different songs played. Thus, I think any fan of Roger's would want to have both nights shows. But stay tuned, because there is still one more night (3-14) from these shows still coming.
Set 1
1. I'm So Restless (2:55)
2. You Ain't Going Nowhere (2:47)
3. Bagful Of Money (3:45)
4. Ballad Of Easy Rider - Wasn't Born To Follow (3:42)
5. Take A Whiff (On Me) (2:42)
6. Banjo Interlude (1:16)
7. Wayfaring Stranger (1:41)
8. Pretty Polly (4:19)
9. Old Blue (3:31)
10. My Back pages (2:19)
11. The Lady (6:10)
12. I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better (3:25)
13. Bells Of Rhymney (3:47)
14. Chestnut Mare (5:15)
Set 2
15. Skillit Good And Greasy (2:41)
16. Copper Kettle (4:53)
17. He Was A Friend Of Mine (3:05)
18. Lay Down Your Weary Tune (1:26)
19. Mr Tambourine Man (acoustic) (2:30)
20. Mr Tambourine Man (electric) (3:05)
21. So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star (2:12)
22. Chimes Of Freedom (4:07)
23. Eight Miles High (3:25)
24. Sweet Mary (2:58)
25. Hanoi Hannah (3:10)
26. Mr Spaceman (3:11)
27. 5 D (3:12)
28. Wild Mountain Thyme (2:09)
29. Draggin' (2:37)
30. Nobody Knows When You're Down And Out (2:42)
31. Chestnut Mare (5:15)
Concert recorded and files provided by David M. Picture used for artwork taken by David M.at the actual concert– many thanks to him.
Files de-clicked, re-balanced, re-levelled by Rocking--Byrd, and originally offered for download at rocking--byrd.blogspot.com.
New link! (Updated 10/8/21)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Roger McGuinn - 1974-03-11 - Cambridge, MA (both sets)
1974-03-11, both sets
Performance Center, Cambridge, MA
Audience (David M) recording, Good quality
Available in both Lossless (Flac) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
Previously, I have featured members of the Byrds in their various post-Byrds shows and bands (with so much invaluable assistance from David M and his recordings), including Chris Hillman, Gene Clark, Michael Clarke, Gram Parsons, Flying Burrito Brothers, Souther-Hillman-Furay Band, Firefall, etc.), yet, so far I have not featured any shows from the one guy that is most closely associated with the Byrds, Mr. Byrd himself, Roger McGuinn. Well, I'm going to fix that oversight right now. Here, then, is another of David M's previously uncirculated audience master recordings, this one from the first night of Roger McGuinn's series of shows at the Performance Center in Cambridge, MA, in March 1974. Here are both sets from that fine night, with Roger going back and forth between acoustic and electric solo versions of many of his classic songs, as well as a very diverse and impressive setlist of various other gems, with only a few songs repeated between the two sets. A pretty amazing performance. I have not done any tinkering with the sound on these recordings, other than some volume enhancements, so these are pretty much David's raw tapes, warts and all, but overall, pretty good sound quality.
David was also present for a couple of the following nights shows, too, and his recordings for those nights have been previously featured on Rocking-Byrd's private blog. But since that blog was not generally accessible to all, I will also post those subsequent nights shows here, too (over the next week or so), and possibly some more Roger after that. Although the setlists are similar for the different nights, Roger still manages to add in a bunch of different songs for each show. So, here is Roger McGuinn in 1974.
Set 1:
01. I'm So Restless
02. My Back Pages
03. Bagful of Money
04. Ballad of Easy Rider - Wasn't Born To Follow
05. Take a Whiff
06. Banjo Interlude
07. Wayfaring Stranger
08. My Dog Blue
09. Old Blue
10. Draggin'
11. 5D
12. So You Want To Be A Rock 'n Roll Star
13. Mr. Spaceman
14. Lover of the Bayou
15. Chestnut Mare
Set 2:
01. Knockin' on Heaven's Door
02. Rock 'n Roll Time
03. I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better
04. Born to Rock 'n Roll
05. Bells of Rhymney
06. Old Blue
07. Mr. Tambourine Man
08. You Ain't Goin Nowhere
09. My New Woman
10. Draggin'
11. 12-String Interlude
12. She Don't Care About Time
13. The Lady
14. The Water is Wide
15. Pretty Boy Floyd
16. Chestnut Mare
17. My Back Pages
18. Turn Turn Turn
New Links! (Updated 10/08/21)
set1-mp3 - RM_1974-03-11_Cambridge_set1-mp3.rar
set2-mp3 - RM_1974-03-11_Cambridge_set2-mp3.rar
Flac version: RM_1974-03-11_Cambridge_set1-FLAC.rar
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Kinks - 1974-11-27 - Felt Forum, NY
Preservation - Live
November 27, 1974
Felt Forum, New York, NY
Audience recording, Good quality (assembled from two sources and remastered by PR)
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
Bonus Kinks! by request. I had intended for the 1996 'Final Concert' to be the last in this round of Kinks posts, but due to the great response and demand for more Kinks, here is one more unforgettable show. I was a little reluctant to post this one initially, because it comes from the Kinks least popular period and albums, Preservation Acts 1 & 2, being the height of their 'theater incarnation'. So, this one may be mainly for the real die-hard fans who want to hear all phases of the Kinks. Anyway, there are very few shows available that feature the full Preservation concert show, which is sort of a rock opera/theater piece, a sprawling chronicle of social revolution, starring Ray as the nefarious Mr. Flash, and Dave as his nemesis, Mr. Black. However, although the albums were initially panned by critics and generally ignored by the public at the time, they have received substantially more respect and admiration in recent years. And the live stage version of the show was always much better received than the albums themselves. So, here's your chance to check out the full stage version of Preservation, with several additional Kinks classics thrown in as appetizers before the theatrical entree.
I should note that I am not certain of the origin of this show. The files I received (from PinkRobert) were identified as being from November 1974, Felt Forum, Chester, PA. However, there is no Felt Forum in Chester, and there is no record of the Kinks playing in Chester in 1974 (They did play there in November 1975 (Widener Univ.), but that would have been a Soap Opera show, not a Preservation show. So, I'm assuming that this MUST be from one of the 2 Felt Forum shows (November 27, 28) in New York City, and since I have only ever heard of there being a recording from the first night (11/27), I am going with the 27th as the date. If anyone has any more definitive or accurate information on this recording, let me know.
101. Victoria
102. Here Comes A New Day
103. Celluloid Heroes
104. Lola
105. Alcohol
106. Skin And Bone
107. You Really Got Me / All Day And All The Night
108. Preservation Act 1, consisting of:
Preservation / Morning Song / Daylight / There's A Change In The Weather / Money And Corruption /I'm Your Man / Here Comes Flash / Demolition
201. Preservation Act 2, consisting of:
Money Talks / Shepherds Of The Nation / He's Evil / Scum Of The Earth / Slum Kids / Mirror Of Love / Alcohol / Flash's Dream / Flash's Confession / Nothing Lasts Forever / Artificial Man / Scrap Heap City / Salvation Road / Finale
mp3 version: - Kinks_1974-11-27_NY_mp3.rar
New Link! Updated 05/22/23
FLAC version - Kinks - 1974-11-27 - NY_FLAC
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Kinks - 1996-06-15 - Oslo, Norway (Final Concert)
June 15, 1996
Norwegian Wood Festival, Oslo, Norway
The Final Concert
Audience recording, Very good sound quality (remastered by PinkRobert)
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
The Kinks phenomenal musical career as a band lasted for over 32 years (1964-1996), wherein they released 24 studio albums, 5 live albums, and countless singles, collections, and compilations. But it all came to an end in 1996, when brothers Ray and Dave (after much feuding and bickering) finally decided to call it quits. Although no one knew it at the time, this 1996 performance in Oslo, Norway, at the Norwegian Wood Music Festival, turned out to be the last ever live performance by the band (up to now). And since a modern day reunion still appears very unlikely, it may very well remain as the very last Kinks performance ever. But the band still had it all going here in 1996, and this concert shows an impressive energetic performance featuring many Kinks favorites from throughout their whole career. And perhaps it is quite fitting that the last song they played was 'You Really Got Me', the song that started it all for this great group. So, please this enjoy this fine Kinks show, and taste of history for one of the greatest rock bands of all-time.
1. Intro / Till The End Of The Day
2. The Hard Way
3. Where Have All The Good Times Gone? / Tired Of Waiting For You
4. Dead End Street
5. Set Me Free
6. Death Of A Clown
7. Low Budget
8. I'm Not Like Everybody Else
9. Come Dancing
10. Alcohol
11. Living On A Thin Line
12. Apeman
13. Celluloid Heroes
14. Skin And Bone
15. Lola
16. Gallon of Gas/Sleazy Town - Blues Jam (Instrumental)
17. Victoria
18. You Really Got Me
New Link! (Updated 08/32/21)
mp3 version - Kinks_1996-06-15_Oslo-FinalConcert_mp3.rar
Flac version - Kinks - 1996-06-15 - Oslo-Final Concert_FLAC
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Kinks - 1978-10-30 - Paris, France
October 30, 1978
Theatre Mogador, Paris, France
Audience recording, very good quality (remastered by PinkRobert)
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (@320 kbps) versions
More Kinks! Here is yet another seldom-heard Kinks show, this one from 1978, after their triumphant return to Rock 'n Roll (following their side excursion into Music Hall and full-length theatrical productions in the mid-70's) with the Sleepwalker (1977) and Misfits (1978) albums, yet still before they would re-acquire mass popularity and huge stadium shows following Low Budget (1979) and their subsequent 80's resurgence. This is a very good, nearly excellent quality audience recording of a great show, featuring an excellent setlist. However, the performance is hampered somewhat by Ray's notably distressed and erratic vocals (perhaps the strain of touring was showing), which is made more prominent by the fact that the vocals were too high in the mix (vocals dominate the sound, with the band more in the background). Nonetheless, it is still a wonderful show, showing the band at yet another stage in their remarkable career.
1. Audience
2. You Really Got Me (Introduction)
3. Sleepwalker
4. Life on the Road
5. Lola
6. Misfits
7. A Well Respected Man
8. Death of a Clown
9. Sunny Afternoon
10. Dedicated Follower of Fashion
11. Hay Fever
12. Celluloid Heroes
13. Trust Your Heart
14. You Really Got Me
15. Slum Kids
16. Alcohol
17. A Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy
18. All Day and All of the Night
19. Audience (Encore Break)
20. Live Life
21. Little Queenie
22. Band Introduction
23. Twist and Shout
24. Audience cheers
Ray Davies: vocals, rhythm guitar
Dave Davies: lead guitar, vocals
Gordon Edwards: keyboards
Jim Rodford: bass
Mick Avory: drums
mp3 version - Kinks_1978-10-30_Paris_mp3.rar
New Link! (Updated 10/8/21)
FLAC version - Kinks_1978-10-30_Paris_FLAC
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Kinks - 1972-03-11 - Case-Western University, Cleveland, OH
March 11, 1972
Emerson Gymnasium
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Audience Recording, Very Good Quality
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
Here's another fine Kinks show, this one from a couple years later than the last, and thus adding selections from their 1970 (Lola vs Powerman and the Money-go-round) and 1971 (Muswell Hillbillies) albums to their concert repertoire. This was still before the band added horns and went into full Music Hall-theatrical mode a bit later in the '70's, so they still rocked here. And this is a very good sounding audience recording and full-length show from a stage in their career where there aren't many good quality recordings available. So sit back and enjoy some more great stuff from Kinks.
BTW, this show has been passed around with the date listed as 3/12/72. But some quick checking indicates that this show at Case-Western was on the 11th, they played a show in Chicago on the 12th, so I have corrected the date to the 11th.
1. Top of the Pops
2. Brainwashed
3. 20th Century Man (Beginning tease)
4. Get Back In The Line
5. Waterloo Sunset
6. Apeman
7. Sunny Afternoon
8. Band Intros
9. Muswell Hillbillies
10. Acute Schizophrenia Blues
11. You're Lookin' Fine
12. Alcohol
13. Skin & Bones
14. Lola
15. You Really Got Me
16. All Day And All Of The Night
17. Applause (Encore Break)
18. Til The End Of The Day
19. Victoria
mp3 version - Kinks_1972-03-11_Cleveland_mp3.rar
New Link! (Updated 10/8/21)
FLAC version - Kinks_1972-03-11_Cleveland_FLAC
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Kinks - 1969-11-27 - San Francisco, Fillmore West (Upgrade)
November 27-29, 1969
Fillmore West, San Francisco, CA
Soundboard recording, very good quality
Available in Lossless (FLAC) or mp3 (320 kbps) versions
As it has been over a year since I last featured any Kinks, it is certainly about time for more Kinks. And this show is a great one, probably the best available concert recording from this prime period of The Kinks career. This is one that I have posted before, however, and was actually the very first post of this blog, about 3 1/2 years ago. It has been one of the most downloaded shows here. At the time it was posted, and up until very recently, I only had this in mp3@192 kbps version. But now I have tracked down this show in Lossless quality, so here now is a very worthwhile upgrade, to have this show in much better quality (for those that prefer mp3, I have also included an upgraded 320 kbps mp3 version). And in fact, there's even an additional song (Mindless Child of Motherhood) on this version that was not included in the previous version. So, if you've enjoyed this show as much as I have over the last few years, this is a welcome upgrade indeed. As I stated in the previous post for this show "This gem is one of the few available shows from this time period, probably the most productive of their career (coming on the heels of arguably their best albums, Village Green Preservation Society and Arthur, both of which were complete failures in the U.S.). This was one of their first shows in the states after the ban barring them from appearing in the U.S. was lifted (after almost 4 years!). Here in their appearance at the the Fillmore West, the band was in fine form, and they delivered a very eclectic set that scattered some of their hits (Tired of Waiting, You Really Got me, Till the End of the Day, Well-Respected Man) with numerous relatively obscure album tracks (Your Looking Fine, Big Sky, Mr. Churchill Says, Brainwashed, etc), that were virtually unknown in the U.S., and were not often performed in concert in subsequent years." Great set, great show, and now much improved sound quality. So, if you are at all a fan of the Kinks, you need to get this show, even if you already have the lower quality version previously available here.
1. Till The End of the Day
2. Mindless Child of Motherhood
3. Last of the Steam Powered Trains
4. Your Looking Fine
5. Mr. Churchill Says
6. Big Sky
7. You Really Got Me
8. Love Me Till The Sun Shines
9. Brainwashed
10. Milk Cow Blues / See My Friends / Tired of Waiting For You / Brainwashed
11. Louie Louie
12. Victoria
13. A Well Respected Man / Death of A Clown / Dandy
mp3 version - Kinks_1969-11-27_Fillmore_West_mp3.rar
New Link! (Updated 08/23/21)
FLAC version - Kinks_1969-11-27_Fillmore_West_flac.rar
Monday, September 12, 2011
Fabulous Poodles - 1979-02-13 - My Father's Place, Hempstead, NY
My Father's Place, Roslyn, NY
FM Broadcast, good sound quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
Custom artwork included
Here's a real treat (at least for me!). I have been looking for this show (or any other FabPoos show) since before I started this blog. As I have said previously here (when I posted another, much shorter radio show of theirs here), "The Fabulous Poodles were a great, but very short-lived late '70's band. These guys had a great sound that was a combination of early Kinks and The Who, mixed with 50's kitsch and 70's new wave, and clever, witty lyrics. That's right, not only did they sound great, but they were funny, too. Just a great, original, and overlooked band". Driven by Tony DeMuer's wit, antics, and energy, and Bobby Valentino's ferocious violin, these guys were sensational, especially live. But there are just so few live recordings of them. This is one of the few longer-length sets available (but not very available, as it took me many years to finally get hold of it), so this is a joy to hear. They only made three albums (only 2 in the US!) between 1977 and 1979. By 1980, they were gone, and in an ugly split with their manager, they were forbidden from ever performing as the Fabulous Poodles, or even using their Poodles stage names again. Tony DeMeur changed his name to Ronnie Golden and became a comedian with some success in British TV. Bobby Valentino became a respected session musician, lending his distinctive violin to countless recordings, including contributing the signature fiddle part to The Bluebell's UK Hit, 'Young At Heart', a few years later. Bobby remains active in music, and has a website detailing his various projects. I give my thanks and am forever indebted to blog reader David B. for sending this show to me. If you are not familiar with these guys, you really should check them out (if you are already familiar with them, no doubt you have already started downloading this, and don't need me to tell you). Enjoy!
01. Suicide Bridge 3:56
02. Cherchez La Femme 4:29
03. Chicago Boxcar 3:42
04. B Movies 3:49
05. Rum Baba Boogie 5:16
06. Oh Cheryl 3:43
07. Work Shy 4:33
08. Tit Photographer Blues 4:03
09. Pinball Pinup 6:54
10. Mirror Star 4:04
11. Roll Your Own 4:46
12. Louie Louie 2:21
13. Puppy Love 1:37
14. Mr. Mike 3:38
15. Bike Blood 4:03
16. Don't Lie To Me 5:20
Total Time: 66:20
New link! (updated 02/13/19)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Rutles - Bootleg Compilations (live, outtakes, rehearsals, etc.)
And now for something completely - well, at least a little bit - different. Here now, the Pre-fab Four, The Rutles! Yes, here they are, the legendary foursome, Ron Nasty, Dirk McQuickly, Stig O'Hara, and Barry Wom, who created a musical legacy that would last a lunchtime! Those 4 moptops, their music, and their trousers. If you only have the 'official releases' from The Rutles (The Rutles and Archaeology), then you have only just scratched the surface of the festering boil that is The Rutles music. As with their slightly more famous real-life counterparts, the Rutles official releases are far outnumbered by the various bootlegs, outtakes, and rarities compilations. Here we present some of the various bootleg collections that have made the rounds.
Just like the 'other group's' bootlegs, these are a mishmash of various tracks (rehearsals, live, outtakes, demos, etc.) thrown together. There's a lot of duplication, particularly from the 1978 rehearsal sessions, and the quality varies greatly, but they all contain some different tracks as well as some annoyingly enticing but worthless rubbish (such as 'the Missing Rutles song', etc.). but as Rutles fans, we MUST have everything we can get, right? So, for you completists, here is a selection of available Rutlegs.
Yesterday's Leftovers (live, outtakes, rarities)
mp3@320 (with album artwork - Butcher cover)
Tracklist (see notes)
Sweet Rutle Tracks
Rehearsal sessions (1978) mp3@192
01. Intro & We’ve Arrived
02. Now She’s Left You
03. Number One
04. Love Life
05. Radio Spot & Interview
06. Goose Step Mama
07. It’s Looking Good
08. I Must Be In Love
09. Baby Let Me Be
10. Radio Spot
11. Good Times Roll
12. Let’s Be Natural
13. Get Up And Go
14. Old Blues Man Interview
15. Blue Suede Schubert
16. Between Us
17. Piggy In The Middle
18. Living In Hope
Savage Young Rutles
Rehearsals? mp3 @ 320k
01. Baby Let Me Be
02. Blue Suede Schubert
03. Between Us
04. It’s Looking Good
05. Goose Step Mama
06. I Must Be In Love
07. We’ve Arrived
08. Now She’s Left You
09. Number One
10. Love Life
11. Good Times Roll
12. Doubleback Alley
13. Piggy In The Middle
14. Let’s Be Natural
15. Get Up And Go
16. Living In Hope
17. Plenty Of Time
The Last Tea Party Tapes
(live, outtakes, rarities) mp3@128k
01. I Must Be In Love (Live)
02. With A Girl Like You (Live)
03. Ouch!
04. Another Day (Live)
05. Hold My Hand (Live)
06. Now She’s Left You (Rat Keller 1962)
07. Blue Suede Schubert (Rat Keller)
08. I Must Be In Love (rehearsal)
09. It’s Looking Good (rehearsal)
10. Piggy In The Middle (Take 5)
11. Let’s Be Natural (rehearsal)
12. Good Times Roll (Edit piece 3)
13. Baby S'il Vous Plait (French version)
14. The Short Blues (Ron & Barry)
15. Bonsoir A Revoir (Ron & Barry)
16. The Missing Rutles Song (Let It Rot sessions)
17. Lullaby (Let It Rot sessions)
18. Fallen Arch Angel (Let It Rot sessions)
19. Questionnaire (early demo)
20. Get Up and Go (Take 16)
Sgt. Rutter's Only Darts Club Band
mp3 @ 128k
From the Archives
01. Goose Step Mama
02. Between Us
03. With A Girl Like You
04. Hold My Hand
05. I Must Be In Love
06. Ouch!
07. It’s Looking Good
08. Love Life
09. Piggy In The Middle
10. Cheese and Onions
11. Get Up And Go
12. Doubleback Alley
Ron & Barry - The Backyard tapes
13. Act Naturally
14. Between Us
15. We’ve Arrived
16. Hello Goodbye
17. The Short Blues
18. Cheese and Onions
Rutles on TV
19. Cheese and Onions
Live Rutles
20. Another Day
21. With A Girl Like You
22. Ouch!
23. Hold My Hand
Rare Acetates
24. I Must Be In Love
25. Good Times Roll
26. Ging Gang Goolie (Dirk & Stig - 1978 single)
27. Mr Sheene (Dirk & Stig - 1978 single)
All New Links! (Updated 11/20/23)
The Rutles are, of course, a delightful Beatles parody created by ex-Monty Pythoner Eric Idle and his songwriting partner, Neil Innes. It originally started with a brief skit (one song) for their mid-70's TV show, Rutland Weekend Televsion in 1976. The idea grew from there, and after an appearance on Saturday Night Live, Idle and Innes were encouraged to develop The Rutles into a full-length TV film (and 20 Rutles songs), entitled 'All You Need Is Cash'. An album culled from the film followed, and was later revisited over the years with a follow-up album in 1996, as well as various appearances and live performances. The Rutles live on as probably the best Beatles parody ever, certainly the most fun, with it's wickedly clever, dead-on, silly, and loving tribute to the Beatles story. And the songs are actually pretty good, too.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Neil Young & The Santa Monica Flyers - 1973-11-16 - Boston, MA
Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA
Tonight's The Night Tour
Audience master recording (taped by David M), fair quality
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
Custom Artwork Included
Here's more Neil Young, and yet another previously uncirculated audience recording from David M, this one from the legendary 1973 Tonight's the Night Tour. Unfortunately, it's not a very good recording, as it was marred by an annoying, persistent humming background noise (David said that because of tight security there, the Mic was too close to the recorder and picked up motor noise from the recorder). Now, this isn't much of a problem on the louder, electric songs (because signal/noise ratio was still OK), which really sound pretty good, but this was a definite problem for the acoustic numbers, which were recorded at a very low volume (just about the same volume as the background noise), making it very difficult to hear much at all, even after amplification (which also concurrently amplified the background noise). I have tried to do what I could to reduce the background noise in these songs ('New Mama', 'Needle&Damage', 'Ohio', 'Human Highway', and 'Helpless'), and it worked (to some degree), but it also meant I had to severely dampen much of the midrange frequencies, so fidelity is not very good on those songs. I also had to jettison several sections of beween song talk because it just could not be heard or understood at all. However, all the songs are here, and between the pretty good sound on the electric tracks and the poor acoustic tracks, I gave this an overall fair quality rating, but it is still highly listenable overall. And the show itself is great, and well worth downloading and checking out, particularly as there are relatively few shows available from this tour. And this show also features an impromptu Happy Birthday to Neil from the band (and audience), even though it was not his actual birthday (which was a few nights earlier, 11/12). This show also features one of the only performances of 'Ohio' from this tour, as well an extra extended 'Tonight's the Night' Once again, on this tour Neil came out with a bunch of new songs that the audience had never heard before (as he had in his previous Time Fades Away tour, for which the live album had also not yet been released). The Tonight's The Night album, which was recorded just before this tour started (but would not be released for another 2 years, because the record company thought it was too dark and depressing) and this tour were notorious for providing his many new fans (from CSNY and Harvest fame) with exactly what they didn't want, generally confusing, bewildering, and sometimes angering them with songs they didn't know or much like. This was a difficult period for Neil (as was discussed in my previous post for the 'Last Album' Time Fades Away Tour here), and although the music was not received well then, it is now looked upon in retrospect as one of his greatest periods of productivity and achievement. If you haven't checked out Neil's shows from this period (and even if you have), you should check this out, as it is decidedly different from shows from any other period, and great stuff it is. Thanks again to David for making these great, authentic, historic recordings available here.
1. Don't Be Denied
2. When You Dance I Can Really Love
3. Tonight's The Night
4. World On A String
5. New Mama
6. Roll Another Number
7. Tired Eyes
8. The Needle And The Damage Done
9. Ohio
10. Human Highway
11. Helpless
12. Band Intros - Happy Birthday Neil
13. I Believe In You
14. Cinnamon Girl
15. Cowgirl In The Sand
16. The Losing End
17. Tonight's The Night
Neil Young - vocals, guitar, piano, harmonica
Ben Keith - pedal steel guitar, piano, vocals
Nils Lofgren - guitar, piano, accordion, vocals
Billy Talbot - bass, vocals
Ralph Molina - drums, vocals
New Links! (Updated 12/18/13)
mp3 - NY_1973-11-16_Boston_BBK_mp3.rar
Flac - NY_1973-11-16_Boston_BBK_FLAC.rar
Friday, August 19, 2011
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - 1978-09-25 - Providence, RI

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI
Rust Never Sleeps Tour
Audience master recording (taped by David M), good quality
Available in both Lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
Custom Artwork Included
Here's more Neil Young, but this time I'm proud to be able to present another in our series of previously uncirculated audience recordings from David M. This one is from the Providence, RI show of the excellent 1978 Rust Never Sleeps Tour. It's really a pretty good, although not great, sounding recording, comparable to other available audience recordings from this tour and around this time (such as the NY shows, MSG & Uniondale). Although the setlist was the same for virtually all the shows on this tour, it is still great to get to hear different performances from those already available, and there are some fine versions here. Although this was called the Rust Never Sleeps Tour, it came almost a full year before the release of the album of the same name (Rust Never Sleeps, July, 1979), and actually also was even before the release of Comes A Time (October, 1978). So, although this should have been the Comes A Time Tour (album being released around this time), the setlist includes only 3 songs from Comes A Time and 6 from Rust Never Sleeps. Neil is one of the only artists that seems to regularly tour with new material well before it has been released to the public. Of course, there also was an excellent official live album from this tour (Live Rust, October 1979), and which was taken primarily from the Cow Palace-SF and Inglewood, CA shows, but that album did not include the full show. Thus, this recording (and other unofficial live recordings) contain several songs ('Already One', 'Thrasher', 'Welfare Mothers', and 'Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown') that are not included on Live Rust. But this recording is missing the usual encore number, which was 'Tonight's the Night' (not sure whether it was not played that night, or just not recorded). Anyway, once again, we are greatly indebted to David M for making this recording available, and once again, I have done some minor editing to improve sound quality (but pretty minimal this time). So, here it is, a 'new' recording of a great show from the Rust Never Sleeps Tour. Enjoy.
1. Sugar Mountain
2. I Am A Child
3. Comes A Time
4. Already One
5. After The Gold Rush
6. Thrasher
7. My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
8. When You Dance I Can Really Love
9. The Loner
10. Welfare Mothers
11. Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown
12. The Needle And The Damage Done
13. Lotta Love
14. Sedan Delivery
15. Powderfinger
16. Cortez The Killer
17. Cinnamon Girl
18. Like A Hurricane
19. Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)
Neil Young - vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, harmonica
Frank Sampedro - guitar, keyboards, vocals
Billy Talbot - bass, vocals
Ralph Molina - drums, vocals
Taken directly from a previously uncirculated audience master recording by David M. Some editing, adjustments made for better sound quality and presentation. This version prepared exclusively for The BB Chronicles by BBKron
mp3 - NY&CH_1978-9-25_Providence_mp3.rar
Flac - NY&CH_1978-9-25_Providence_FLAC.rar
New Link (Updated 03/18/22)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Neil Young (solo acoustic) 1992-09-22 - Los Angeles
Solo Acoustic
Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA
Audience recording, Very Good Quality
mp3 @ 320 kbps
In early 1992, fresh from the studio where he laid down the tracks that would be released later that year as Harvest Moon, which was a return to the gentle, melodic, acoustic style of earlier albums like Harvest and Comes a Time, Neil set out on a solo acoustic tour that consisted of 4 separate legs and lasted through most of that year. During that tour he previewed virtually all of the songs from the upcoming Harvest Moon album, as well as a wide selection of songs from throughout his career. Many have said that they preferred the live acoustic versions of the Harvest Moon songs to the more slick and polished versions on the album itself. In 2010, Neil released a live album, Dreamin' Man, from this tour that consisted of only the songs from Harvest Moon performed at various concert locations. And, as good as that album is, the tour shows consisted of much more than just the Harvest Moon tracks, and it takes the full shows to fully appreciate the strength, power, and beauty of all the songs performed. So, here is a fine show from the third leg of the 1992 solo acoustic tour, still prior to release of Harvest Moon, where he features not only those 'new' songs, but wonderful performances of a wide range of his previous classics, performed solo, so you can get a tasete of the full shows performed on this tour. I started this string of Neil Young shows from the '90's with performances from his 1999 solo acoustic tour, and here we fittingly wrap it up with a stellar show from this wonderful 1992 solo acoustic tour. Listen to both tours and try to figure out which is better, or just enjoy them without comparing them at all.
Disc 1
1. Comes A Time
2. Cinnamon Girl
3. Cowgirl In The Sand
4. From Hank To Hendrix
5. Unknown Legend
6. Dance, Dance, Dance - Love Is A Rose
7. Pocahontas
8. Like A Hurricane
9. War Of Man
10. Old King
Disc 2
1. Heart Of Gold
2. Such A Woman
3. The Needle And The Damage Done
4. Tonight's The Night
5. Speakin' Out
6. Roll Another Number (For The Road)
7. Harvest Moon
8. Old Man
9. Powderfinger
10. Don't Let It Bring You Down
11. Sugar Mountain
12. Mr. Soul
13. After The Gold Rush
New Link! (Updated 12/18/13)