Chastain Park, Atlanta, GA
Audience recording, very good quality
Available in both lossless (FLAC) and mp3 (320 kbps) versions
After the Mighty Like a Rose Tour, in late 1991, Elvis acted upon his increasing interest in classical music, meeting with one of his favorite classical groups, The Brodsky Quartet. Upon learming that they were also fans of his, they began plans to collaborate on a new musical project, which became The Juliet Letters, a song cycle about love, life, death, and correspondance, featuring vocals by Elvis accompanied by The Brodsky Quartet, and the songs and music written by Elvis and various collaborations with the 'The Brodskies', which was released in early 1993. Although the album was critically-acclaimed and well-received by the record-buying public, in general Elvis's more rock-oriented fans had little interest or use for this musical diversion. In 1993, Elvis toured exclusively with the Brodsky Quartet, but there are very few recordings available from these shows (as there seemed to be little interest from tapers as well). However, Elvis returned to rock, and even reunited with The Attractions (for the first time in 7 years), for his next album, which marked the triumphant return of Elvis Costello & The Attractions, and featured their best album in quite some time, with Brutal Youth (1994). The strong new album and subsequent tour seemed to be a re-birth for Elvis and the band, but underneath the surface there were still the same hostilities and discontent among the band, so the successful reunion was destined to be short-lived. The Brutal Youth tour, however, was a great one, and to the audiences there were no indications of problems, just great shows and music. There are many excellent recordings available from this tour, including several soundboards, but I am posting here a great lesser-known show, from Atlanta, primarily because it was the day after the show I was at (don't have a recording from my show, and this one has very good sound and a similar setlist). So, here, enjoy Elvis, back with the Attractions in 1994 for a great, but limited run.
01. No Action
02. The Beat
03. Waiting For The End Of The World
04. Beyond Belief
05. Sulky Girl
06. London's Brilliant Parade
07. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
08. Pony St.
09. Less Than Zero
10. Clown Strike
11. Kinder Murder
12. Clubland
13. Rocking Horse Road
14. Man Out Of Time
15. Watching The Detectives
16. You Belong To Me
17. 13 Steps Lead Down
18. Radio, Radio
Encore 1
19. Lipstick Vogue / (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea
20. Party Girl
Encore 2
21. Favourite Hour
22. My Science Fiction Twin
23. Alison (including Tracks Of My Tears, Tears Of A Clown, No More Tearstained Make-Up and Clowntime Is Over)
24. Accidents Will Happen
Encore 3
25. All The Rage
26. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
27. Pump It Up
mp3 - Elvis_Costello_1994-06-19_Atlanta_mp3.rar
FLAC - Elvis_Costello_1994-06-19_Atlanta_FLAC.rar