Monday, May 13, 2024

Favorite Moody Blues Songs - Addendum to The Moody Blues Album Ranking List

Favorite Moody Blues Songs - Addendum to The Moody Blues Album Ranking List 

As  a follow-up to my ranking of all The Moody Blues Albums, here is a listing of my favorite Moody Blues songs. Since they have so many great songs, I couldn't just do a Top 20. I was plaaning on doing a Top 30, but then had to expand it to a Top 40, and still there are so many other great songs that couldn't make the list. Anyway, here are my top 40 favorite songs by the Moody Blues (followed by the album it comes from), based solely on my own opinion and reaction to them. Not surprisingly, the bulk of them come from the 'core 7' albums and weighted towards those albums I ranked the highest, but there are a few from the later albums (although not all albums are represented), as they made great music throughout their career.

40. Nothing Changes (ST)
39. Meanwhile (LDV)
38. Eyes of a Child (TOCCC)
37. Dawning is the Day (AQOB)
36. So Deep Within You (OTTOAD)
35. Lost in a Lost World (SS)
34. And the Tide Rushes In (AQOB)
33. Higher and Higher/Beyond (TOCCC)
32. The Actor (AQOB)
31. After You Came (EGBDF)
30. To Share Your Love (OTTOAD)
29. Your Wildest Dreams (TOSOL)
28. English Sunset (ST)
27. The Voice (LDV)
26. Best Way to Travel (ISOTLC)
25. Land of Make Believe (SS)
24. It's Up to You (AQOB)
23. Our Guessing Game (EGBDF)
22. Out and In (TOCCC)
21. The Other Side of Life (TOSOL)
20. Blue World (TP)
19. Are You Sitting Comfortably? (OTTOAD)
18. Voices in the Sky (ISOTLC)
17. My Song (EGBDF)
16. The Balance (AQOB)
15. Gypsy (TOCCC)
14. Nights in White Satin (DOFP)
13. New Horizons (SS)
12. Never Comes the Day (OTTOAD)
11. You Can Never Go Home (EGBDF)
10. House of Four Doors/Legend of a Mind (ISOTLC)
9. One More Time to Live (EGBDF)
8. Lovely to See You (OTTOAD)
7. You and Me (SS)
6. Watching and Waiting (TOCCC)
5. Tuesday Afternoon (DOFP)
4. Ride My See-Saw (ISOTLC)
3. Have You Heard?/The Voyage (OTTOAD)
2. Question (AQOB)
1. The Story in Your Eyes (EGBDF)

Album legend:
(DOFP) - Days of Future Passed (1967)
(ISOTLC) - In Search of the Lost Chord (1968)
(OTTOAD) - On the Threshold of a Dream (1969)
(TOCCC) - To Our Children's Children's Children (1969)
(AQOB) - A Question of Balance (1970)
(EGBDF) - Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (1971)
(SS) - Seventh Sojourn (1972)
(LDV) - Long Distance Voyager (1981)
(TP) - The Present - (1983)
(TOSOL) - The Other Side of Life (1986)
(ST) - Strange Times (1999)

What are your favorites? What great songs did I miss?


Highway 61 said...

Thanks for a great list. Think I would have dropped 'Om' in there though, somewhere near the top.

neal t said...

send me no wine

Kane76 said...

The songs that go with Are You Sitting Comfortably: Have You Heard, The Voyage, Have You Heard 2.