Friday, January 15, 2021

New feature series to start very soon: BB’s Album Rankings

Got a new feature series to start today (tomorrow?): BB’s Album Rankings

As I mentioned in my ‘Wonder of Music’ commentary last month, I’ve been watching a lot of these album ranking videos on Youtube recently (you know the ones, often referred to as ‘worst to best’ lists), where youtubers and music fans present their opinions and mini-reviews on the entire catalog of albums by a particular artist, ranking them from least favorite to most favorite. I find the wide range of opinions, reasons, and justifications people have for their favorite (or despised) albums fascinating. It is just amazing how divergent different people’s views regarding music are, even among enthusiastic fans of the same band or artist. It just shows how everyone hears and looks for different things in the music they listen to and enjoy, as well as can get totally different things out of it. I certainly have my own definite opinions about music I listen to and enjoy, and so far, amazingly, I have never totally agreed with a single one of these lists and reasons I have seen so far. Sure, there are some folks I tend to agree with more than others, but none that I have been in sync with for an entire ranking list. So, anyway, I am going to start my own ranking lists and occasionally post them here. And of course, the granddaddy of these types of lists, the GOAT as these things go, are the rankings of the albums by The Beatles. They are the perfect place to start, as everyone knows these albums, they all are varying degrees of great (no worst to best, only least favorite to most favorite), and everyone has strong opinions about them (and I encourage comments about my list and presentation of your own list). So, coming right up will be the first in a series of Album Rankings. First Up – The Beatles.


M. said...

Please, no.

Rippin Frog said...

these are always a personal any best ever of some band but can be interesting

Unknown said...

great idea!