Top 25 Favorite Albums of 2022Yes! It is that time of year, that is, the end of the year, so time once again to go through some of my favorite albums for the year 2022. And it was actually a pretty great year for music. I listened to a lot more new music than usual this year, and so many new and different bands and artists that I previously had never heard of or knew anything about. So, it was a big year for discovering new stuff. I do have to say, however, that the vast majority of what I listened to this year was in the overall realm of progressive rock and the whole special niche of that community. but even within that there is a wide variety of different styles and sounds. So, if you are not into that 'scene' at all, you probably will not recognize most of my entries, but they are all really good. I listened to a lot of other stuff as well, but the Prog was what I came back to most often. But no matter what your core area of music you listen to (and there are so many sub-groups and sub-genres these days that highlight very specific interests), there was some great stuff that came out this year. There were so many high quality albums I listened to this year that I had to split them up, so here today are my top 25, but I will also have another post later with another 25-30 albums that are all well worth your time to listen to, as well as some other end of year aspects, such as disappointments, surprises and some not-so-great albums.
Once again, this list represents my own personal favorites, what I enjoyed the most this year, and not any other ranking or quality criteria. For #25 to #18, I will just list the albums without additional comments (as I just didn't have time to add comments, maybe I'll add some later), but for the top 17 I have a few very brief comments, with more comments for the top 10.
25. The Tangent - Songs From the Hard Shoulder
24. Evership - The Uncrowned King, Part 2
23. Galahad - The Last Great Adventurer
22. Arena - The Theory of Molecular Inheritance
21. D'Virgilio, Morse, and Jennings - Troika
20. Comedy of Errors - Time Machine
19. Returned to Earth - The Fall of the Watcher
18. Rosalie Cunningham - Two-Piece Puzzle
17. Toehider - I Have Little to No Memory of These Memories (Fun, entertaining roller coaster ride through many genres and styles in this single 47 min. track. Buckle up, hang on, and just enjoy the ride)
16. Phoenix Again - Visions (This band handily pulls off the very difficult feat of making an all instrumental prog album that stays fresh, enticing, and interesting through the entire album)
15. David Longdon - Door One (Wonderful, dynamic album, full of great songs and great production along with the great vocals from David. Sometimes rockin', sometimes proggy, sometimes introspective, always melodic. A major achievement, but bittersweet, as this is also the last album we will get from David, RIP.)
14. Dim Gray - Firmament (Wonderful melodic, atmospheric soundscapes)
13. Elvis Costello - A Boy Named If (Best from Elvis in many years, great songs from this master)
12. Time Dwellers - Novum Aurora (Great prog rock, blend of '70's rock with prog elements - Sometimes sounds like cross between Wishbone Ash and Mike Oldfield)
11. JPL - Sapiens Chap 3/3 Actum (Great jazzy prog, concluding chapter to epic 3 album series)
10. Elder - Innate Passage

A very recent addition, as I only heard this for the first time about a week ago, but it is sensational! Also one of the biggest surprises for me, as I totally did not expect this album. Although I had not heard any of this band's previous albums, I was aware of their overall reputation (at least for their early albums), as playing 'stoner metal', a mixture of psychedelic and metal, and quite heavy, which is not my thing at all (pretty much anything that has 'metal' in its description is just not for me. But this was not that at all. This album is a fantastic progressive rock album, hard-rockin' at times, but also very intricate and even delicate, with lush soundscapes and immersive atmosphere. And yes, quite melodic as well. Just a stunning album of great extended tracks that rocks, rolls, comforts, and delights, with intriguing and enigmatic riffs and moods. A brilliant album that I'm sure will rise even higher as I listen to it more (as I've only had time to hear it 2-3 times so far). Best Tracks: Catastasis, Coalescence, The Purpose, Merged in Dreams-Ne Plus Ultra.
9. Ryo Okumoto - Myth of the Mostrophus
Reviewed previously here. This album from the long-time keyboard player for
Spock's Beard, with the help of many of his present and former Spock's Beard bandmates (including Nick d'Virgilio, Dave Meros, Ted Leonard, Alan Morse, etc.) and other special guest artists, is more than just a great Spock's Beard-related album. Although ostensibly a solo album, it has much more of a fully fleshed out band feel throughout, as the sound is not dominated by Ryo's keyboards as one might expect, but with active and key contributions from all musicians involved, with prominent and soaring guitar solos, stunning arrangements, and excellent vocals and harmonies. Everything here is just top-notch and exquisitely done throughout, with great songwriting, vocals, musicianship and execution. Overall, a very fun and entertaining album of classic symphonic prog rock gems, highlighted by the epic-length 'Myth of the Mostrophus', a fun Monster story. Best Tracks: Myth of the Mostrophus, Mirror Mirror, Chrysalis.
8. Von Hertzen Brothers - Red Alert in the Blue Forest

Another very recent, and surprising addition, as this gets better and better with repeated listens. This is the 8th album from Finland's Von Hertzen Brothers, three brothers (Mikko, Kie, and Jonne) that play guitars and bass and all sing (beautifully), joined by keyboardist Robert Engstrand and drummer Sami Kuoppamäki. Although I was not familiar with their previous albums, I was mightily impressed with this one. They have put together a fantastic album of dynamic and and accessible progressive rock, expertly mixing in gentle acoustic and vocal harmony tracks and sections with powerful rockin' sections, all while maintaining a strong melodic sensibility throughout. Wonderful melodies, vocals, folk and pop elements, lyrical content, and musical and instrumental artistry. A stunning album, eclectic and daring in its scope and ambition, featuring a range of moods and styles, yet rooted in melody and atmosphere. Best tracks: All of a Sudden You're Gone, Peace Patrol, Day of Reckoning, Anil, Northen Lights, Dissappear There.
7. Big Big Train - Welcome to the Planet
Reviewed previously here. Big Big Train’s follow-up to their stellar 2021 album,
Common Ground, continues their run of wonderful albums, with another collection of great songs. Although it can’t quite match the heights of the previous album (which was my pick for best album of 2021), it is still a great album. The band continues growing and developing during a period of transition and changeover in personnel, exploring and moving in some new directions, and getting contributions from various band members. Both of the songs written by drummer Nick D’Virgilio (‘Connection Plan’ and the dynamic instrumental ‘Bats in the Belfry’) are excellent and quite different from previous Big Big Train songs (including an extended drum solo). The first half of the album shines the brightest, with ‘Connection Plan’, the grand and sumptuous ‘Lanterna’, the sparse and beautiful ballad ‘Capitoline Venus’ (featuring perhaps the best vocal performance from David Longdon), and the atmospheric instrumental ‘A Room with No Ceiling’. A great album overall. However, it is also bittersweet hearing the wonderful vocals of David Longdon on this album. Great that we get these new songs from him, after his tragic death late last year, but sad that we will not hear his voice or his other contributions on future Big Big Train albums.
6. Jonas Lindberg and The Other Side - Miles From Nowhere
Reviewed previously here. This is the 2nd album from this Swedish prog rock band. They have a delightful mix of catchy pop melodies and vocal harmonies interspersed with extended progressive passages and intriguing instrumental sections. Jonas plays many of the instruments himself, from bass, guitar, keyboards, and vocals, but with able assistance from the rest of the band, especially the impeccable lead and backing vocals shared by Jonas Sundqvist and Jenny Storm. The expansive album provides over 75 minutes of music, with several extended length tracks, capped off with the epic multi-part album-closing title track (over 25 min. long). The more I listened to this, the more I liked it, and although the major influences are clear and present throughout, emulating the style and structure of music provided by Neal Morse and his various bands (Spock’s Beard, Transatlantic, Neal Morse Band) and The Flower Kings, among others, the music is so good, it transcends such comparisons. Best Tracks: 'Miles From Nowhere', 'Summer Queen', 'Astral Journey', 'Why I’m Here'.
5. Pattern-Seeking Animals - Only Passing Through
Previously reviewed here. This offshoot from Spock's Beard , with their third album, has produced a remarkable album of great, accessible progressive rock. They incorporate a lot of pop and power pop sensibilities in establishing great hooks, melodies, and vocals, but also mix in good bits of jazz, folk, classical, and film score prowess, but also never abandon their eclectic Prog approach (with plenty of odd-time curves and proggy instrumental breakouts). Great stuff throughout, with very imaginative and inventive songs and arrangements. They put in whatever extra instrumentation and arrangement flourishes that will enhance each song (horns, mandolin, sitar, bassoon, violin, cello, specialty percussion). From the very opening notes of ‘Everdark Mountain’, I was hooked, with its unique dark woodland prog sound, and it just takes off from there. Best Tracks: 'Time Has a Way', 'Everdark Mountain', 'Much Ado', 'I Can’t Stay Here Anymore'.
4. Dawes - Misadventures of Doomscroller
Previously reviewed here. With this newest album, their previous folk-country roots are barely evident, as the band stretches out with longer songs, a free-er looser style, with more jazz influences as well as some somewhat progressive rock-influenced instrumental breaks. The result is, at least for me, their best album to date, a wonderful musical journey through the ups and downs of contemporary life. The core of the band has always been Taylor Goldsmith's songwriting and vocals, and he shines throughout once again, but with the rest of the band also taking more of the spotlight as well with great musicianship and song arrangements. And the instrumental extensions are more than just solos, as they represent dynamic explorations of new styles and themes, and move in different and interesting (even proggy?) directions. The album is a delight from beginning to end, offering great melodies and engaging arrangements, and encouraging many repeat listens. Best tracks: Ghost in the Machine, It Comes in Waves, Everything is Permanent.
3. The Dear Hunter - Antimai
Reviewed previously here. Great album from The Dear Hunter, a fun ride through this ringed society. It is predominantly lively, upbeat, and quite accessible. They incorporate much soul, R&B, latin, pop, jazz, and rock into the mix, with liberal use of funky horns and tuned percussion, yet the result is still undeniably prog rock. This is a concept album that chronicles a world where society is set-up in concentric rings, with the outer rings occupied by the poor and industrial sectors moving inward to the more luxurious and powerful inner rings. The album consists of 8 tracks, each corresponding to one of the rings and highlighting features of that sector. But you don't need to know or care about the concept or story to enjoy the album, as it is quite wonderful from start to finish. The album flows well and all the tracks are very well done, featuring a variety of vibrant styles, dynamics, and instrumentation, in addition to very fine vocals. Best tracks: Ring 8 - Poverty, Ring 5 - Middle Class, Ring 4 - Patrol, Ring 3 - Luxury.
2. Cloud Cult - Metamorphosis
A surprising recent addition. I would call this music something like Symphonic Folk, and it is wonderful. Cloud Cult is a band from St.Cloud MN, has been around since 1995, but I had never heard of them until about a month ago. I heard one song ('One Way Out of a Hole)' from this album and was hooked. It totally grabbed me and I became obsessed with this song (It is my song of he Year). Then I listened to the rest of the album and the whole album is great as well. They have a basic folky, stripped down sound and vibe, but then they develop their songs with interesting arrangements featuring strings, dramatic builds, and emotional intensity, as well as inspiring lyrics and vocals. Would've been the find of the year for me, except for #1
1. Kaprekar's Constant - The Murder Wall Previously reviewed here. This was my favorite album earlier in the year, and quite surprisingly, this masterpiece retained its status right through to the end. The music has been described as ‘symphonic melodic progressive rock’ that features beautiful melodies, grand themes, lush arrangements, and great vocals, in addition to a passion for history and storytelling. This is a concept album with all the songs dealing with stories about various attempts (both successful and unsuccessful) by mountaineers to scale the North Face of The Eiger Mountain, known as the Murder Wall, due to all those that have lost their lives on it. Although this may sound like a very dark theme, the music is anything but dreary, filled with beauty from simple melodies to majestic anthems. There just wasn't anything else that could quite match the beauty, majesty, elegance, and sheer wondrousness of this album for me. The melodies, the vocals, the arrangements, the stories, the production, just wonderful. I kept going back to it, expecting it to lose some of its luster with repeated listenings, but each time it reinforced just how magnificent it was. And this was surprising, because its not really rock, it's not very proggy, its just great from start to finish, and despite all odds, this remains my favorite album of the year. Just thoroughly captivating.
Coming next: More really good albums from 2022, and other end of year stuff.