Verizon Center, Washington, DC
Audience recording (taper:whitenite), very good quality
Mp3 (320kbps) files
Since the previous collaboration tour posts were popular, let's keep with that theme. Here's Sting again, from a couple years ago, when he teamed up with Paul Simon, for a similar type tour to the one he recently did with Peter Gabriel, with a collaborative theme, performing many of their songs together, as well as each doing some short sets separately. It makes for some interesting versions of each of their songs. Of the half dozen or so shows from this tour (2014 US tour) I have heard, this is the best quality and sounding audience recording I know of. So, enjoy Paul & Sting on this enjoyable trip through their greatest hits, with just a bit of a difference. After this successful US tour, Paul & Sting set out for europe & the rest of the world in 2015, of which there also are several nice shows available. Note:For those partial to lossless, although I don't have this one in FLAC, I know that it is available out there if you look around for it. Perhaps later I'll post an update in lossless if I run across the files.
Paul & Sting together
01 Brand New Day 05:17
02 The Boy in the Bubble 04:23
03 Fields of Gold 04:49
04 Every Little Thing She Does is Magic 04:33
05 Englishman in New York 05:09
06 I Hung My Head 05:09
07 Driven to Tears 05:32
08 Walking on the Moon 04:36
Paul & Sting
09 Mother and Child Reunion 03:28
10 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover 04:04
11 Dazzling Blue 05:06
12 Graceland 05:14
13 Still Crazy After All These Years 04:39
14 Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard 04:19
Paul & Sting
15 Fragile 05:41
16 America 02:52
17 Message in a Bottle 05:39
18 The Hounds of Winter 06:20
19 They Dance Alone 05:58
20 Roxanne 04:09
21 Desert Rose 05:26
Paul & Sting
22 The Boxer 06:01
23 That Was Your Mother 04:02
24 Hearts and Bones 06:09
25 Mystery Train / Wheels 04:10
26 The Obvious Child 04:45
27 Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes 07:01
28 You Can Call Me Al 06:30
-Encore- Paul & Sting
29 Bridge Over Troubled Water 05:23
30 Every Breath You Take 04:44
31 Late in the Evening 05:42
32 When Will I Be Loved? 02:37
Paul Simon & Sting_2014-03-13_DC_mp3.part1.rar
Paul Simon & Sting_2014-03-13_DC_mp3.part2.rar
Paul Simon & Sting_2014-03-13_DC_mp3.part3.rar
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