Monday, April 13, 2020

Loss of another music legend: R.I.P. John Prine (1946-2020)

Singer-Songwriter John Prine - 1946-2020

The world lost a unique unique talent last week with the death of singer-songwriter extraordnaiare John Prine due to complications with COVID-19 at the age of 73. John had survived two separate battles with cancer and was still performing and playing, but this latest health assault from the coronavirus was just too much for his battered body to withstand.

Prine was one of the greatest songwriters of all time, a masterful lyricist with unique insight and empathy into the travails and foibles of the human condition. Infusing his songs with an endearing wry humor, he was unparalleled as a homespun storyteller that could get right to the heart of unspoken feelings with just a few simple lines. Musically, his songs remained pretty basic, rarely straying much beyond his favorite chords and progressions, yet he always seemed to find just the right melody and fit for every song. And as a singer, his unusual voice and quirky expression also provided just the right mood for each song. Although his own records garnered only modest sales for most of his career, his songs were hailed as masterpieces and adored by musicians and followers of all genres and ages. It has only been in more recent years that he has been getting the full recognition, accolades, and success that he deserved.

Since word of his recent hospitalization, and subsequent death, I have been immersing myself in his music, and marveling all over again at the simple, understated brilliance of his songs and style, as well as the humbleness and great character of the man himself. I have to admit, we have lost alot of great musicians over the last several years, but this one has hit me especially hard. Although many will say that he lived a full rich life to even make it to 73 given his previous health issues, but I know that he still had more to give, and he was taken from us to soon. He was still active and performing (he had a tour scheduled for this summer), and given the excellence of his most recent album (The Tree of Forgiveness, 2018), he was still writing and performing great new songs.

I knew that I needed to respond to his death and post something to the blog acknowledging the life and work of this great man, but I just could not bring myself to do it right away. What could I say to sum up what he gave the world with his music and his personality? I still don't know how to express that. I'm at a loss for words. I've presented many aspects of his performances and career in previous posts and can't really add much to that. I thought about listing some of his best songs (or at least my favorites) and highlight some lesser known gems, but as I went through them it became clear that, my word, they are all great, I can't really list selected ones without leaving out so many other great ones. So, please, just listen to as many as you can and enjoy them all. In my very first Prine post, I tried to describe what made his music and personality special, so maybe just go read that again, as inadequate as that is as well.

John actually wrote many songs that dealt with death (even his own), often as purely humorous and whimsical adventures, (such as 'Please Don't Bury Me', 'Bottomless Lake', and 'When I Get to Heaven' among others), but many others with more serious and heartfelt emotion and depth ('Sam Stone', 'Mexican Home', 'Lake Marie', among others). His songs capture so many emotions, from outright joy to the deepest depths of the human soul. He can make you laugh, make you think, and break your heart (sometimes all at once), and come back again and again to hear it all over again and again. Thank you John for providing such a rich tapestry of human emotions, bringing smiles to our faces, and shining a light on the turmoil and depth of human experience. Heartfelt Condolences to John's family, relatives, and legions of fans.

I have updated all of the previous posts of John's music and performances here. Be sure to check out all you can. I will also post (over the next several days - not quite ready yet) some additional shows and performances from John highlighting his sensational talent, songs, and career. John lives on in his songs and performances, and will never be forgotten. Once again,To a legendary singer, songwriter, and great human being, John Prine.



  1. Thank you so much for updating these links! I have a lot of friends who will be interested in this! R.I.P. JP. )`:

  2. Thanks BB! Can't bear it myself either, a fan since the mid nineties and yet at the moment I cannot play anything except the more early stuff . . . YouTube had posted the 1970 interview and handful of early songs with the Studs Terkel radio show which I just about managed but basically we seem to feel broken by this terrible loss. Especially after his towering recovery from his bouts of throat cancers. It just seems especially cruel. His beloved wife Fiona has been keeping fans posted with the most lovely posts and I just can't bear to think of the losses suffered by her and their boys and the family at large. How did she even bother to address the fans!? Too too sad. Thank you for this piece. x

  3. Thank you SOO much for all the great Prine. Appreciated!
