Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Blogger's Dozen - 12 Years of BB Chronicles

12 Year Pin

Hey now, what do ya know? It's been 12 years, and I forgot all about my own anniversary! It just did not register with me that it was April already. So apparently it is also true that time flies even when you're having no fun at all. Sure, there is alot going on. Yes, it's been trying times for all these days, locked in under a global pandemic. But this anniversary date had completely slipped my mind until I visited another blog that was acknowledging their own Anniversary (Congrats pj at Albums I Wish Existed), and then remembered - Hey I've got an Anniversary too, and it was last week!.

So, anyway, Yes, this little outpost of a music blog has now been going for 12 full years (that's comparable to around 70 in blog-years). How about that!  And although it certainly is not the most prolific blog (averaging around 3 posts per month for the past 4 years), a whole lot of great music has been talked about and presented here over the years, of many different styles, all from artists that I personally enjoy very much, and hope that others will also enjoy. I try to present a variety of music that may be hard to find or not readily available elsewhere. I also try to provide some background and context to the music and artists, as well as my own commentary, rather than just unadorned music files, to give those new to these artists some perspective and history, to explore the music further. And I also have tried to keep these posts available as much as possible over time, thus pretty much everything that has been posted previously should still be available (with the exception of things that ran into copyright issues). I hope that what I have provided here has been useful and worthwhile, as well as musically satisfying, and I hope it has been something that you come back to often and have been introduced to some new music here that you really enjoy, to expand your musical horizons and enjoyment, and be a positive addition to your musical experience as well as your music collection.

And once again, as I have each year at this time, I also want to take this time to thank and celebrate all the others out there who have made so much of this great music, which is not available for purchase anywhere, freely available to all who wish to download and enjoy it. I am only able to offer these downloads because others before me have made them available. So, to all the other bloggers, tapers, forum posters, and music fans that have collected these recordings and made them available over the internet, and most importantly, to all the great artists and musicians out there that have created and performed this wonderful music and allow these recordings to be freely exchanged, I offer a huge and heartfelt Thank You. And again, I implore everyone to purchase all the official releases of your favorite artists, as well as, wherever possible, go see them live in concert (as soon concerts are allowed again). The music here serves to supplement, not replace, all of their officially released music. They are supported by fans like us. 

Moving Forward, I expect things to continue much as they have, I'll try to semi-regularly present music and artists I think are worth hearing, with occasional tributes to recently fallen musical heroes. I have some more from the great John Prine to present over the next couple weeks, and then will move on to other great stuff I hope will interest you. As always, I encourage feedback and discussion of anything mentioned or presented here. There have been alot of issues with zippyshare in recent months (unavailable in many countries, and obnoxious, aggressive pop-ups throughout), so I am starting to transition away from them and will be trying some new file-share sites, but they all seem to have issues of their own, so we'll see how that goes. Anyway, Thanks to all, and let's stay safe and secure out there, and no matter what, enjoy your music, it can help you through whatever difficulties you are experiencing.


  1. Thank you for all the great music and the little bits of history behind it. Congratulations on your first, 12 years. Well done, monsieur!

  2. Many congrats on your dozen years in and thanks for all the great posts.

  3. Congrats! I know first hand (I run So many Roads) how hard it is to keep a blog running for 12 months, let alone 12 years! Long may you run!

  4. Thank you very much. I've visited this site more than a few times throughout the past 12 years. Congratulations & keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing music, it is the best. ONWARD thru the Fog! thanks.

  5. Congratulation! I hope this remains fun for you for a long time to come. Thanks for sharing music. It is our lifeblood.

  6. Thanks for the sharing with us! I'm new(ish) here but thankful for the music! Stay well and here's to another 12!

  7. Congratulations You are in fact doing something right!

  8. Hey BB, good going! Thank you for sharing your love of music with us. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I appreciate your efforts.

  9. Thanks for all the nice gifts and good articles you shared through all these years. Keep on rocking in the free world !

  10. Happy Dirty Dozen!

    Yours was one of the first music blogs I've found and frequented and I'm still regularly checking in. Thanks for the music and opinions.

  11. Congrats - thanks for all that you do for all of us.

  12. congratulations & thank you for all the great tunes over the years.

  13. Great Job. Always love cking in to see what gems you've posted.

  14. Congrats on 12 years going, it is a true feat up here. I completely agree with your fact that you are here sharing what you love with others of the same mindset. I believe it has everything to do with how you made it so long here. I have enjoyed much of your shares and hope to enjoy many more. Thank you very much.
