Monday, April 15, 2019

Right Here for Eleven Years

One One and Still Not Done

It's time once again to recognize that another year has past and BB Chronicles is still steadfastly moving forward, perhaps at a snail's pace, but still going nonetheless. That's right, we have miraculously reached the 11th Anniversary of this little bloggy endeavor, and have survived long after many other of these types of things have come and gone. And I believe we've covered a whole lot in those 11 years. A whole lot of great music has been talked about and presented here over the years, of many different styles, all from artists that I personally enjoy very much, and hope that others will also enjoy. I try to present a variety of music that may be hard to find or not readily available elsewhere. I also try to provide some background and context to the music and artists, as well as my own commentary, rather than just unadorned music files, to give those new to these artists some perspective and history, to explore the music further. And I also have tried to keep these posts available as much as possible over time, thus pretty much everything that has been posted previously should still be available (with the exception of things that ran into copyright issues). I hope that what I have provided here has been useful and worthwhile, as well as musically satisfying, and I hope it has been something that you come back to often and have been introduced to some new music here that you really enjoy, to expand your musical horizons and enjoyment, and be a positive addition to your musical experience as well as your music collection.

And once again, as I have each year at this time, I also want to take this time to thank and celebrate all the others out there who have made so much of this great music, which is not available for purchase anywhere, freely available to all who wish to download and enjoy it. I am only able to offer these downloads because others before me have made them available. So, to all the other bloggers, tapers, forum posters, and music fans that have collected these recordings and made them available over the internet, and most importantly, to all the great artists and musicians out there that have created and performed this wonderful music and allow these recordings to be freely exchanged, I offer a huge and heartfelt Thank You. And again, I implore everyone to purchase all the official releases of your favorite artists, as well as, wherever possible, go see them live in concert. The music here serves to supplement, not replace, all of their officially released music. They are supported by fans like us. 

So, having just finished what ended up being a yearlong featured look at Progressive Rock, I will now move on to various other things. First up will be some of the various items of interest I picked up over the past year but haven't had a chance to post yet (because didn't fit into the progressive rock theme), which includes some new finds from some old friends. But I will continue to feature many artists that may not have been immensely popular, but are fine musicians that deserve to be heard by a wider audience, or at least give some more people an opportunity to check them out. So, I will continue on with this endeavor, albeit at the relatively slow rate of 2-4 posts per month, and I hope that you will follow along and sample from it whenever you see something of interest. As always, I encourage feedback and discussion of anything mentioned or presented here. Let me know what you think of things and this wonderful music all around us. Thanks to all.



  1. Congratulations!
    And Thank You

  2. Happy 11th BB!, and many thanks for everything.

  3. Congrats and thank you, especially for the Neil Young sets!!

  4. Congrats and thanks for al that you have shared!

  5. Congratulations on your 11th year! I hope you continue to enjoy it. We appreciate you!

  6. Hello,
    Congratulations for the job and many thanks for sharing so beautiful music with always nice comments. So long live to your blog!
    Best regards,

  7. Congrats - thanks for doing so much for all of us. Much appreciated.

  8. Congrats, great work, Happy 11th!

  9. Some great stuff on here - although not much of a prog fan! :)

  10. Congratulations and thanks a lot

  11. Never one to rush into things, let me add my congratulations to keeping your blog alive for eleven years!

    God knows it ain't easy!

  12. Very happy to see your still here. The loss of Midnite Cafe is still fresh

  13. You are doing a great service to Classic Music lovers! Thank you so very much for your shares!!

  14. I'm a little late but still in time to congratulate for this wonderful blog full of discoveries for all the music lovers around the world.

    Great thanks,

    Derek from Paris
