Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Break?

How are you liking Spring so far?

Ok, so I guess I've been on kind of an unplanned, unintended Spring Break from the blog these past couple weeks. And at least where I live, it's been anything but Spring-like. But that's the Northeast for ya. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I am still here, and I'll be getting back to posting stuff very soon, starting with a special feature on progressive rock.  So, stay tuned for that.


  1. Looks very much like the 'spring' down here in Va. Weather like this leads me to music that, for me at least, suites snowy winter. Here's one I dug out the other day.

    Hellebore - Il y a des jours (1985)

    Something about the keyboards sound very cold, icy.

    I'm interested to learn what the upcoming "prog" posts will be. That term seems to mean differnt things to different people. For what it's work, the album above constitutes progressive rock to me, perhaps a little odd or obscure for some.

    Either way, that's for the music you share.

  2. We in the Midwest certainly haven't been through what you folks have, but it's been nasty enough.

    Nice day here, nice day there. But more typical are overnight lows in the mid-twenties and daytime highs in the upper thirties or low-forties.


  3. Great blog!

    Any chance of reupload on Hiatt/Lowe/Carrack live in '83 (
    Missed that one when you posted.


  4. James,

    Hiatt/Lowe/Carrack link updated. Enjoy. Thanks for letting me know.

