Friday, April 14, 2017

Nine Years? Really?

Number 9, Number 9, Number 9....

Well well well, here we are, all the way to year number 9. That's right, it's the 9th anniversary of this little old blog. Another year has come around and its a blog birthday of 9 years now (and counting) for the BB Chronicles. It may not be much, but it is something, and it is mine, and it has survived long after many others have come and gone. OK, so yes, I have slacked off lately and don't post as much or as often as in previous years, but hey, I'm still going, and it's all (most of it anyway) still here available to all. So, after 9 years, several hundred music posts, hundreds of thousands of downloads, and several million pageviews, I'm still here. And what I have put out here is some really quality stuff, all music and artists that I personally enjoy very much, and many of these shows are (or at least were) not readily available elsewhere. I try to provide some background and context to the music and artists, as well as my own commentary, rather than just unadorned music files, to give those new to these artists some perspective and history, to explore the music further. And in that sense I hope that what I have provided here has been useful and worthwhile, as well as musically satisfying. And so, I am somewhat proud of what I have assembled here over these past 9 years, and I hope it has been something that you come back to often and have been introduced to some new music here that you really enjoy, to expand your musical horizons and enjoyment in addition to your music collection.

And once again, as I have each year at this time, I also want to take this time to thank and celebrate all the others out there who have made so much of this great music, which is not available for purchase anywhere, freely available to all who wish to download and enjoy it. I am only able to offer these downloads because others before me have made them available. So, to all the other bloggers, tapers, forum posters, and music fans that have collected these recordings and made them available over the internet, as well as to all the great artists and musicians out there that allow these recordings to be freely exchanged, I offer a huge and heartfelt Thank You. And again, I implore everyone to purchase all the official releases of your favorite artists. The music here serves to supplement, not replace, all of their officially released music. They are supported by fans like us.

I hope to be able to continue this endeavor, albeit primarily in the same sporadic way it has been up to now, for some time to come, but you never know what the future brings. I've made it through some rough patches and am still going, so, should be able to continue a while longer. I very much enjoy doing it, but just have a very limited time I can devote to it. But I will always strive to provide new and interesting content that is generally not readily available from most of the the other music blogs. I do have some pretty interesting stuff planned for the upcoming weeks (new old stuff from fresh artists and blog favorites, and more upgrades of previously posted stuff), so if you've liked some of what I've posted so far, stick around for some more great stuff. As I've said previously, I do wish I could get more comments, feedback, and discussion from you, the readers of this blog. Please, let me know what you think of what is here, provide your own insight and perspective, and some real discussion of some of this great music. I would love to hear and see more from you, if possible. So, for know, I'll just keep things going as they are, and I hope you will stop by occasionally, check it out, and and join me on this journey. Thanks to all.


  1. Congratulations on your 9th anniversary! Long May You Run!

  2. A Happy 9th Birthday to you. Over the few years since I discovered your Chronicles, I've enjoyed what you've written and the music you've shared. Some of it was familiar to me and a lot of it was unknown territory. All I can add is - more power to your blogging elbow(s).

  3. Happy ninth anniversary!
    thank you for all you have done so far and I hope you find the time and have the spirit to keep on going

  4. Congrats on 9 years!

    You've made the most of it, as well!

    Thanks for all the musicians you turned me onto!

    P.S. I'm not a robot.

  5. Congratulations and thank you for a job well done. Thanks for the sharing and the great music. Keep up the good work.

  6. The commentary you provide on everything you post makes your site interesting and unique.Even if it's an artist I'm not interested in, I still enjoy reading your perspective. I'm sure it takes a lot of time to keep this endeavor up and running. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Happy 9th anniversary and thanks for sharing all the music.


  7. thanks so much for all that you do
    as a lover of live music - places like yours are very special to me
    I have to admit I dont comment as much as I probably should
    but I also have to say that a lot of other blogs where they have chat boxes or lots of commenting are full of self important a-holes so I really like the quiet, educated feel of BBC

  8. Congrats nine big ones! Let's go nine more. Great site.Found you via reco from Willard.Keep up the good work, at your own pace of course.

  9. Congrats on nine years : may you have many more.
    Thanks for all the great music, and a place for us to share it as well.

  10. do good work, and I hope to see you around for as long as you wish to do it...

  11. Happy (and thankful) to read of your success. Long may it continue!

  12. CONGRATS, CONGRATS! Thanks for the great entertainment over the years. TR:-)

  13. Wow! Many congratulations to you for hanging in there for so long! I'm particularly fond of your Christmas compilations. Cheers to many more years, and Hang Ten dude!
