Monday, April 11, 2016

A Great 8 Years

BB's 8th Anniversary

Hey now, what do you know? Another year has come around and its a blog birthday of 8 years now. It just sorta snuck up on me, and I didn't even realize that the anniversary was coming around, but here it is, 8 years of BB Chronicles. OK, so it's not a big deal, no big celebration or anything special to commemorate the event (after all I only post something about once a week), but still, 8 years is quite awhile in the land of music blogs. So many others have come and gone in that time. So, it is something. And what I have put out here is some really quality stuff, all music and artists that I personally enjoy very much, and many of these shows are (or at least were) not readily available elsewhere. I try to provide some background and context to the music and artists, as well as my own commentary, rather than just unadorned music files, to give those new to these artists some perspective and history, to explore the music further. And in that sense I hope that what I have provided here has been useful and worthwhile, as well as musically satisfying. And so, I am somewhat proud of what I have assembled here over the last 8 years, and I hope it has been something that you come back to often and have been introduced to some new music here that you really enjoy, to expand your musical horizons and enjoyment in addition to your music collection. I also take pride that most of the music that has ever been posted here, is still available for download, even multiple years after first posting. I try to keep the links up to date as much as possible, so that the music will continue to be available for all to sample.

And once again, as I have each year at this time, I also want to take this time to thank and celebrate all the others out there who have made so much of this great music, which is not available for purchase anywhere, freely available to all who wish to download and enjoy it. I am only able to offer these downloads because others before me have made them available. So, to all the other bloggers, tapers, forum posters, and music fans that have collected these recordings and made them available over the internet, as well as to all the great artists and musicians out there that allow these recordings to be freely exchanged, I offer a huge and heartfelt Thank You. And again, I implore everyone to purchase all the official releases of your favorite artists. The music here serves to supplement, not replace, all of their officially released music. They are supported by fans like us.

I hope to be able to continue this endeavor, albeit primarily in the same sporadic way it has been up to now, for some to come, but you never know what the future brings. I've made it through some rough patches and am still going, so, should be able to continue a while longer. I very much enjoy doing it, but just have a very limited time I can devote to it. But I will always strive to provide new and interesting content that is generally not readily available from most of the the other music blogs.  As I've said previously, I do wish I could get more comments, feedback, and discussion from you, the readers of this blog. Please, let me know what you think of what is here, provide your own insight and perspective, and some real discussion of some of this great music. I would love to hear and see more from you, if possible. So, for know, I'll just keep things going as they are, and I hope you will stop by occasionally, check it out, and and join me on this journey. Thanks to all.


  1. Well let me be the first to say thanx for 8 great years of work! I've gleaned many hours of listening pleasure from your Blog!

  2. Congratulations on 8 years of providing folks with great tunz! Thanks for all you do!

  3. Thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge of music. It's a great blog.

  4. congrats and please keep up the great work. A hearty THANK YOU , for your time and effort; it's well spent, and much appreciated!

  5. Hi,

    I just discovered your blog yesterday and was impressed with the amount of music and comment that it contains. Congratulations on 8 years.

    I will be stopping back, so keep up the good work.

    Ahmadi, Kuwait.

  6. I love your blog! Eight years of magic music. Please keep it up and a reall big thank you so much

  7. best wishes on whatever and how ever you do....

  8. Thanks for all of the joy you bring so many of us!!!

  9. Thanks for all of your hard work, it is much appreciated; an invaluable and informative blog.

  10. Have enjoyed visiting your blog for a few years now. Thanks for taking the time to share some exceptional music.

  11. Thank YOU!! Congrats on the milestone, keep up the great work, T

  12. Congratulations from spain Muchisimas thanks por todo la música , ideas y descubrimientos

  13. Yay!! Glad to see you continue. Thanks, for all the great music. Happy Anniversary. jimg

  14. One of my favorite places to be. Thank you. I always get the feeling after reading one of your posts that sitting next to each other in a bar we would have one hell of a great conversation, not just about the music but just about the this and that.

    Seldom stumble, never crumble
    Try to tumble, life's a rumble
    Feel the stinging I've been given
    Never ending, unrelenting
    Heartbreak searing, always fearing
    Never caring, persevering
    Sail on, sail on, sailor

    Again thank you.

  15. Thanks - you bring tremendous joy to all of us!
